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Last night, I saw a great film, Forrest Gump. I am great impressed by this film, by the stories of Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump was born in small village. He was born mentally disabled. But his mother is a strong female who encouraged Gump to be strong but live the same as normal people. Beside, he meets Jenny, a tragic but kind­hearted girl. With the love of her mother and Jenny, Forrest Gump begins his running all his life. I am moving by his strong will, kind and optimism. There are many miracles in his life what seem impossible to him. But I know it is reasonable,

because of he wins them with his noble personalities.

I’m sorry to tell you that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on this Sunday, because something unlucky happened to me in the PE class yesterday. I was playing basketball with my friends while I jumped highly to catch the ball. Another student struck me on a leg accidentally, that made me break my leg. The situation made everyone nervous. However, I was sent to the nearest hospital as soon as possible. The doctor suggested that I rested until next Friday. I hope the change will not cause you too much troubles.

Shall I go next Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time read and select books.

I was asked to be a student teacher last week. My Chinese teacher required I gave a lesson in my class. It was the first time that I have stood before class. Because I had dreamed to be a teacher all the time, so I was thankful to her. Considering that the class wouldn’t listen to him, I felt so nervous that I couldn’t fall asleep the night before. On the morning to give lesson,I found it heavy to move my foot. At first, I could hardly speak fluent. However, with my classmates looking for me encouragingly, I found myself much more relaxing gradually. Finally, I finished the lesson smoothly. How an unforgettable experience it was!

There are many forms of communication, which includes texting, cell phones, email, and social media. Using these forms to communicate with other may be faster, but they lack lots of quality that a face-to-face conversation possessed.

Facial expression and body language can greatly affect on a conversation. They can be used to give a person some information about what the other person is thinking and feeling. Facial expression can be applied to video chatting, so body language can only be found in a face-to-face conversation. Giving someone hug to comfort them is a kind of body language that can only be done in person. When talked to someone by texting or messaging them, you cannot have physically touch with them at all, which can also limit the connection between the people.





4. but改为and




8.kind 改为kindness

9.what改为that 10.去掉of

1. 去掉on

2. while-when

3. highly-high

4. a-the

5. that-which

6. However-Therefore

7. rested-rest

8. troubles-trouble

9. I-we 10. time 后加to




4. him改me

5.lesson 前加the



8. for改at

