五年级 英语 质量检测

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一、选出不同类的单词,将序号写在题前括号中。(5分) ( )1. A bike B computer C television D radio ( ) 2. A eat B find C learnt D bring ( ) 3. A juice B hamburger C coffee D tea

( ) 4. A study B singing C taking D doing ( ) 5. A China B England C America D London 二、写出下列单词的相应形式。(10分)

1. easy (反义词)_____

2. watch (过去式)_____

3. ride (过去式)________

4.drank (原形)______

5. eat (过去式)______

6. teach (过去式)_______

7. give (过去式)______

8. city (复数)________

9. wear (同音词)________10. let us(缩略形式)_______ 三、翻译下列短语。(20分)

1. 学英语____________

2. 在炉火上____________

3. 吃早饭_______________

4. 在中国的东部______________

5. 两年前_____________

6. 足够的食物________________

7. study hard ___________

8. last night ________________

9. have a rest_____________10. on Shelf C_______________ 四、选择将序号写在题前括中。(20分) ( ) 1 There ______ any telephones many years ago.

A weren ’t

B were

C is

D was

( )2 Amy lives there ______ her grandma.

A of

B for Cwith Dto

( )3――_____hamburgers did Sam eat? — Six.

A How much

B How nice

C How many

D How ( )4--Thank you so much.


A You ’re welcome.

B I ’m sorry.

C OK .

D Not at all.

( )5 New York is ____the east of America.

A on

B of

C for

D in ( )6 This is a programme ______ China. A on B in C about D at ( )7 He worked ___the field.

A on

B at

C in

D for ( )8 Thank you ___talking to us. A at B for C on D of ( )9 They _____TV last night.

A watch

B watches

C watching

D watched ( )10 They _____their classroom now.

A clean

B cleans

C are cleaning

D cleaned

五、找答语。请将B 栏的序号填到A 栏题前的括号中。(5分) A B ( )1. Who are they? A. Last June. ( )2. Where did you go? B. By bike. ( )3. When did she go to Shanghai? C. I went to Beijing. ( )4. Did she live in a big house? D. No, she didn ’t. ( )5. How do they go to work? E. They ’re my parents. 六、改错题,找出错误并改正。(10分)

( ) 1. Did she went to xinjiang last July? ________


( ) 2. This dress is to big for my sister. ________


( ) 3. We can finds information from the book. ________


班级: 姓名: 学号:

( ) 4. She had eggs and rice of lunch. ________


( ) 5. It’s get a dog on my T-shirt. ________



1. in house We a small lived (.)


2. Beijing in of is the north China (.)


3. was a twenty ago years He teacher


4. make Let’s a library home (.)


5. did have for What he dinner (?)



The tiger was the king in a forest. One day he was ill. All the animals were talking about that. They wanted to see him because he was the king of the animals.

Many of the animals went there. But the hare didn’t go. The tiger wanted to know why the hare didn’t come. He sent the mouse to ask the hare.

“You know that tiger is ill. Why not go to see him? He is the king of us.”said the mouse. “I know that tiger is the king of the forest.” said the hare. “and I want to see him, but when I went near his house, I saw many prints(脚印)going into the house. But no one coming out.” The mouse then knew the hare found the truth(真相).

( )1. Who was the king of the forest?

A.The lion.

B. The monkey.

C. The tiger.

( )2. Who was ill?

A. The mouse.

B. The tiger.

C. The hare.

( )3.Who don’t go to see the tiger?

A. The mouse.

B. The birds.

C. The hare.

( )4.What did the hare see in front of the house?

A. Some foot prints.

B. Some animals.

C. Nothing.

( )5.What did the hare think about?

A.The animals had a party in the tiger’s house.

B. The tiger ate up all the animals in the house.

C. The tiger was very kind and friendly.

九、以Last summer holiday为题写一篇短文,介绍你在假期去哪儿了,和谁去的,怎么去的,去干什么了、过的怎么样?要求语句通顺,书写规范、认真。(10分)

Last summer holiday

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