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班级_________ 姓名___________ 成绩_____________ 听力部分


()1. A . rning B . afternn . evening

()2.. A shpping B .swiing . fishing

()3.. A l B . ld .war.

()4. A when B .where what.

()5. A Day B . day . date

()6. A . uly B . une . ay

()7.. A . twelve B . twelfth . twentieth

()8.. A . plane B . plate . play

()9. A . tber 1st B . tber 2nd . tber 3rd

()10. A 6:15. B . 6:50 . 3:50


1 2. 3. 4. 5.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) 6.e an’t plant trees in fall ..

( ) 7. Sarah’s favurite seasn is suer.

( ) 8 . ike ften gets up at 9:00.

( ) 9. Sarah’s birthday is in une

( ) 10.hn and ZhangPeng usually wath TV and g shpping n the weekend.


( ) 1. A .It’s spring . B. It’s winter. . .It’s suer .

( ) 2. A. At 9:00. B. At 12:00 . . At 7:00 .

( ) 3. A. It’s arh 8th . B. It’s une 1st . . It’s tber 1st .

( ) 4. A. I g t the z B. e ften fly kites .

. They usually play gaes

( ) 5. A. It’s Friday B .It’s April 23rd . . It’s spring .


1.hy d yu like __________? ________I an plant trees .

2.Ay ften ________the_______ n the weekend .

3.y parents ______________ ________________ at 8:00 in the rning.

4.uyifan’s birthday is in _________. T’s birthday is in __________.

5.________I g hiking ._________I lib untains .

五. 根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。(共10分)

( ) 1. ike an skate in winter .

( ) 2.It ften rains in spring in hina.

( )3.ike an eat apples in fall .

( ) 4. ike an swi and wath the flwers in suer .

( )5. ike likes all the seasns .



A : Hell .an I ask yu se questins, please ?

B : Sure .


B: It is une 1st ..

A; ________________________________________________?

B;I play sprts every day .

A: ______________________________________________tday?

B: At 6:30 a. .

A: h, yu get up s early (早的)! _______________________________?

B: Beause it is hildren’s Day .____________________________?

A: I get up 7:00 a. .


ZhangPeng: hen is yur birthday

Sarah: It’s in February.

ZhangPeng: hih seasn d yu like best, ary?

Sarah: I like spring best. It’s usually windy and war.

ZhangPeng: hy d yu like spring?

Sarah: Beause I an plant trees . The trees are green. The flwers are lurful. hih seasn d yu like best?

ZhangPeng: Fall is y favurite seasn.

Sarah: hy d yu like fall?
