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1. Dark clouds denote a coming storm.

2. He scored a bull’s eye in their argument with that witty retort.

3. I love seeing animated cartoons.

4.Agleam of interest came into her eye.

5. His present salary is rather meager.

6.At first glance, it looked like unalloyed good news.

7. I couldn’t convince him of my innocence.

8. John fell and chipped one of his front teeth.


1. 人生中有很多财富,这好像是理所当然的事情。

2. 对我们这个很大的移民家庭来说,妈妈的汤就是一种保证,我们永远都不会挨饿。

3. 在我家里,热烈的拥抱是从来不变的事情。

4. 和我们一家人吃饭会让索尔完全感到厌烦的。

5. 我相信这是我最后一次看到我的朋友索尔了


1. After World War II, while the primary industry of agriculture and the second industry of manu- facturing remain to be important, there have been rapid advances in the tertiary industry of ser- vices.

2. It is argued that c rime doesn’t always go with poverty.

3. I have come to understand why my father was always in a rush when I was very young.

4. More and more people are working hard at the task of learning foreign languages and using computers in order to be more competent.

5. In future, it will be knowledge managers but not non-knowledge worker who will take the lead.

6. It is said that the total of man’s knowledge doubles every ten years.

7. She became a distinguished scholar at the expense of her health.

8.Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are lagging behind.


1. 二战后,微集成电路块的发明和推广应用使人类社会的生产结构发生了巨变。

2. 在工业革命的初期,一个国家的相对优势大部分取决于大自然所赋予的天然资源。

3. 每个国家所面临的挑战就是重振投资和培训。没有智力上的实力,投资就不会到来。而新经济的原材料——信息和知识,是靠一个国家自己去创造的。

4. 领先的将是最具先进知识的人。

5. 发达国家的惯用方式是,自动地排挤掉效率低的工厂和职业,或者将它们转移到成本较低


1.All electronic computers consist of five units although they are of different kinds.

2. Children must develop a sense of right and wrong.

3. Don’t expect much of him; he is at best a student.

4. They always speak to the foreigners in the language of friendship and in the language of their heart.

5. With the introduction of printing, an age of translation came into being.

6. If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat.

7. The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research.

8. Late Qing China had a variety of problems that would have come to prominence.


1. 这个新兴国家独立后,本国的动植物风光景色以及风俗习惯开始表现出自己独特的品质,描绘其未开发的资源。

2. 1783年美国革命战争结束后,艺术家们为自由的理想寻求创作与众不同的环境。

3. 因为19世纪的美国人在寻求一种合适的方式来表达他们的民族热情,艺术家们求助于土地这一意象。

4. 与传统欧洲艺术风格的相似性也可能激起了一种在静物绘画和贵族肖像的复兴上的兴趣。对财富的赞美和财富的获得的流行趋势反映了一种物质主义的流行精神。

5. 由于暴力、焦虑和异化成为20世纪的主导主题,艺术家对现代生活的非人性化方面表示不满。


1. China has developed into one of the powerful countries in the world.

2. Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.

3. I can’t figure out why she got into such a state of excitement.

4. He has gone through a bad period recently.

5. Taking breaks throughout the day will help clear your mind and relieve pressure.

6. You can’t get there other than by swimming.

7. It was a difficult situation but he handled it very well.

8. He has adjusted himself very quickly to changes in culture when he came to the country.


1. 在我们生活中,我们必须适应和抉择。如果我们想过一种有意义的生活,我们必须保持平衡。

2. 生活中心态失衡,既无法很好地工作,心身也不能得到全面的发展。

3. 我们谈到我的情况,她帮我一起分析我到底想干什么。

4. 当然在现实社会里,我们并没有全部的自由去追求我们自己的目标和期望。

5. 要是心态失衡,每一天的生活都将是难熬的。


1. He mentioned the issue of financial issue in his speech.

2.Alot of companies are involved in the poisoned milk incident.

3. The young man was charged with robbery with violence.

4. They turned against the government’s new policies.

5. We advertised our products through the press.

6. Some people think that lack of funds is a threat to their jobs.

7. The mayor was suspended from his job shortly after the incident.

8. Fish and seabirds mistake plastic for food and choke to death.


1. 在体育运动中只要有竞争和高涨的个人情绪,就会有潜在的暴力发生。

2. 如果他们让他停赛,球队就没有机会取得季后赛的胜利,并且不可能获得冠军。

3. 有句俗语说有钱能使鬼推磨。

4. 在体育运动中永远存在体育暴力和涉及体育队或球员的暴力。

5. 另一个经济问题是很多公司已经雇佣拉特里尔作他们产品的形象代言人。
