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2017-2018 上海市复旦附中高一上学期期中考试

Grammar and Vocabulary: (18%)

Section A (8%)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

21. The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune_________.

A, had been making B. was making C. was to be made D. would make

22. The president hopes that people will be better off when he quits than when he _________.

A. has started

B. starts

C. will start

D. started

23. Travellers to that area can carry disease to their own countries that have never experienced _________.

A. them

B. it

C. themselves

D. itself

24. No one can tell the exact number of U.S. pilots and fighter planes ________were lost in the Pearl Harbor air attack.

A. who

B. which

C. that

D. what

25. ____________, the climbers, who had already conquered many high mountains before, determined to reach the top of the mountain.

A. However it was high

B. How high it was

C. However high it was

D. However high was it

26. They will not allow others to decide the future of their country, _________.

A. which is to be known

B. as is to be known

C. as is known to all

D. as what is known to all

27. We have come to realize that t he brain must “ forget” some pieces of information ________it can remember others.

A. when

B. since

C. so that

D. if

28. They are our school’s volunteers _______to help elderly people cross the streets every day.

A. whose task it is

B. it is whose task

C. to whom is the task

D. whose task was

Section B (10%)

Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word

Sept 27 is World Tourism Day. Of course, travel isn’t a new discovery. Imagine how Italian traveler Marco Polo must have felt when he found himself on Chinese ____29_____, seeing a way of life quite different from anything he’d seen before.

And how ___30______ must it have been to listen to Zhang Qian when he returned to China from his journey through Central Asia and West Asia? His brain must have

been packed with everything he’d seen and heard, leading to the ____31_____ of the Silk Road.

Travel is one of the most exciting experiences a human being can have. Nowadays, more people are traveling than ever before. By train, plane and car, people all around the globe are ____32_____ to places that people didn’t even know ____33_____ a few centuries ago, or only knew from books.

Some people have traveled all over the world, and travel is a way of life to them. They per haps know what to expect before they travel. That’s why the best travel is when it’s for the first time. Imagine a person who has always wanted to travel to the United States. Of course, they’ve probably seen the Statue of Liberty a thousand times on the TV, and the White House, and all the other famous _______34__. But none of that would compare to the ___35______ of looking out of the cabin window as the plane lands, watching the cities and streets of the real America come into_____36____.

Although travel is often just for fun, it’s also ____37_____. We may not know that we are getting an education, but we still are.

We’re learning every day: new words in a new language, new people, and new ways of life. But this learning takes place in the school of the world, not the classroom. One of the lessons we learn is ____38_____ a moral one. As we get to know foreign places, we come to understand that there are many different ways to live, and that the way we live isn’t necessarily the best way. The British politi cian Benjamin Disraeli summed this up well when he said, “Travel teaches toleration.”

Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension (40%)

Section A

Directions : For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrases that best fits the context.

( A )

Leif Erickson reached North America around the year 1000, but the attempt to explore was started slowly. It would be five centuries __(39)__ other Europeans landed on that continent.

Why were Europeans the ones to __(40)__ to the American? The Chinese and Arabs had the _(41)__ and technology to sail across the seas. __(42)__ of them tool regular voyages in the Indian Ocean and the Asian Pacific for trade. But exploration? By the mid-15th century China had followed the closed-door policy to __(43)__ itself from the rest of the world. The Arabs, with access to the minerals and spices (香料) of Africa and the Far East, saw no __(44)__ to journey into the unknown.

Europe, ____(45)________ needed gold and silver; its mines could not meet the demand for coinage. Ottoman Turks blocked the routes across the land to Asia. Only the sea held the ___(46)_____of new wealth.

With the return of Magellan’s ships in 1522 from its voyage around the worl d, the belief was __(47)__ that the oceans were interconnected, promising the age of
