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1. Let’s go somewhere different 让我们去不同的地方

2. it’s a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon一个好的方式度过周六下午

3. learned about the inventions that led to color movies 了解了一些发明,他们成就了彩色电影

4. camp in the mountains 在山上野营

5. put up a tent 放帐篷

6. I’ve never been campi ng 我从未野营

7. the most interesting museum I’ve ever been to 我去到过的最有意思的博物馆

8. they have information about different computers and who invented 他们有关于不同电脑和谁发明他们的信息

9. in such a rapid way 以这么快的方式

10. a very unusual museum 一个非常不普通的博物馆

11. so many different kinds of toilets there 在那里多么多的不同种类的坐便

12. teach people about the history and development of toilets 教人们关于坐便的历史和发展

13. encourage governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future 鼓励政府和社会的群体去思考在未来提高坐便的方法14. It’s a relaxing and pea ceful place near a lake 它是在湖的附近一个闲适和安静的地方

15. show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets 展示如何用美丽的茶具做一杯完美的茶

16. watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself 看沏茶的过程和饮茶本身一样令人愉快

17. thousands of tourists from China 数以千计来自中国的游客

18. this small island in Southeast Asia 在东亚的小岛

19. a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday 一个适合度假的完美安全地方

20. on the one hand …… on the other hand 一方面。。。。另一方面。。。

21. more than three quarters of the population are Chinese 超过四分之三的人口是中国人

22. simply speak Putonghua 仅仅说普通话

23. a lot of the time 大多数时间

24. an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家

25. a good place to practice your English 一个练习英语的好地方

26. Chinese food outside of china 在国外品尝中国食品

27. anything good to eat 吃好东西

28. have some problem getting rice 吃米饭有困难

29. an excellent place to try new food 一个尝试新食物的好地方

30. during the daytime 整个白天

31. the best time to watch them 观看他们最好的时间

32. in a more natural environment 在更自然的环境

33. the temperature is almost the same all year round 全年温度几乎一样

34. be close to 离。。。近

35. be far from 离。。。远

36. mostly Chinese and English 大多数说汉语和英语

37. have you ever heard of the night safari 你听说过夜间动物园吗

38. have you ever been there 你去过吗

39. a long time ago 很长时间以前

40. there were so many exciting things to do 那里有那么多的激动人心的事情可以做

41. ride our bikes there 骑我们自行车去那

42. on Green Street 在格林街道

43. neither have I 我也没有

44. there’s a great new place for skating in River Park on Center Street 在中心大街河公园有一个好的滑冰新地方
