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1. 基数词的用法

基数词用于表示事物的数量,在表示基数词时,要特别注意hundred, thousand, million, billion等几个词的用法:若其前用了基数词,则不论其面是否有of,都必须用单数形式(此时若带of则通常表示特定范围中的一部分);若泛指数百、数千、数百万等,则用hundreds of, thousands of, millions of 等这样的结构。如:Two hundred of the students are needed to plant trees this morning. 今天中午需要200个学生去植树。

Hundreds of people attended the famous director’s farewell concert. 好几百人出席了这位著名指挥家的告别音乐会。Thousands upon thousands of English words come from foreign tongues. 成千上万英语单词来自外来语。

2. 基数词的复数用法


The war broke out in the nineties. 这次战争爆发于90年代。

Karl Mark began to learn the Russian language in his fiftieth. 马克思五十多岁开始学俄语。

3. 序数词的用法


Their second son is a doctor. 他们的二儿子是个博士。

The hundredth cave that George has discovered in his lifetime is near the Alps. 乔治一生中找到的第一百个山洞在阿尔卑斯山附近。

注:序数词前有时可用不定冠词,表示“每一,又一”。如:We’ll have to do it a second time. 我们将再做一遍。


I. Choose the best answer

( )1. Please turn to ______.

A. Page 11

B. the 11 st page

C. page 11

D. page the 11 th ( )2. At night we can see ______ stars in the sky.

A. thousands and thousands of

B. thousand and thousands of

C. a thousand and thousands

D. thousand and thousand ( )3. There are some _____ in our classroom.

A. hundred of books

B. the hundreds of books

C. hundreds of books

D. hundred of book

( )4. I have been to the village ________. A. a hundred time

B. hundred times

C. hundreds of times

D. hundred of times ( )5. There are ____ students in our school.

A. four―hundred and forty―five

B. four hundred and forty―five

C. four hundreds and forty―five

D. four hundred and forty five ( )6. The teacher told me to go over _____ lessons. A. thirst three B. the three first C. three the first D. the first three

( )7. May is ____ of a year. A. the fifth months

B. the fifth month

C. the five months

D. the five month

( )8. We live in ______.

A. the twenty-first century

B. the century twenty-one

C. century twenty-one

D. the century twenty-first

( )9. He said he was going to be free in _______.

A. one and a half hour

B. one hour and half

C. one and half hours

D. an hour and a half

( )10. ---How many English books are there on the table?

---There is only _____English book on it.

A. a

B. an

C. one

D. the

( )11. Mr Smith stayed in _____ last night.

A. Room 403

B. the Room 403

C. the 403 room

D. 403 the room

( )12. The road is _________.

A. two thousand and five hundred metres long

B. two thousands metres long

C. long one thousand five hundred metre

D. a thousand and five hundreds metres long

( )13. He joined the army on ______ of May 1980.

A. 1 st

B. the 1

C. first

D. the first

( )14. Is Sunday the ____ day of the week?

A. a

B. one

C. once

D. first

( )15. March the _____ is Women’s Day.

A. eighth

B. ninth

C. tenth

D. eight

( )16. September is the _____month of the year.

A. nineth

B. ninth

C. nine

D. the twelveth

( )17. December the ____ is Christmas.

A. twenty-five

B. twenty-fifth

C. twentieth-five

D. twenty-five

( )18. Another way of saying Lesson 12 is __________.

A. Lesson ten-two

B. Lesson Ten-second

C. the Twelfth Lesson

D. Twelfth lesson

II. Complete the sentences according to the numerals: (用past或to的句型)

1. What time is it ? (8:30) It’s ___________________________.

2. What is it ? (9:15) It’s ___________________________.

3. What time is it ? (7;45) It’s ___________________________.

4. What was the date ? (1893年1月226日)

