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favorite adj. 最喜欢的


eg. Red and Black is my favorite book. 《红与黑》是我最喜欢的书。

n. 心爱的人( 物) , 最喜爱的东西

eg. That song is one of his favorites. 那首歌是她最喜欢的歌中的一首。

eg. She is a favorite with her aunt. 她最受姑姑的宠爱。

/ She is her aunt’s favorite.

without prep. 没有

prep.+ n./v.—ing / pron.

eg. He went out without saying anything. 她一言不发就走了。用法: without前后必须保持一致。


He went out and he didn’t say anything.

/ He went out without saying any words.

eg. I can not live without you.

eg. Fish can not live without water.

worry v. 使…担心

worry sb 使…担心, 困扰某人

eg. My little daughter worried me a lot. 我的小女儿令我担心。

be worried about 对…表示担心

eg. I was worried about my little daughter. 我对小女儿感到担心。

be anxious about 对…感到焦虑

instead of 不做…而做… ( 可置于句首或句尾)

eg. Instesd of catching fish, the unlucky fishermen catch old boots and rubbish.


/ The unlucky fishermen catch old boots and rubbish intead of catching fish.

eg. Men wear socks intead of stockings. 男士们穿的是短袜而不是长袜。

eg. I went shopping intead of doing my homework. 我去购物而没有做作业。

instead of 后面加名词, 代词或动名词作介词宾语。

rubbish n. 垃圾

a pile of rubbish 一堆垃圾

/a heap of rubbish

eg. Don’t talk rubbish! 别说废话了!


1) ( 厨房里的) 菜屑碎肉, 残羹剩肴, 垃圾 (Am.)

2) ( 口) 不足取的东西, 愚蠢的想法

garbage can 垃圾箱 (Am.)

dustin 垃圾箱 (Br.)

garbage collector 垃圾收集清洁员

dustman 垃圾收集清洁员 (Br.)

garbage truck 垃圾车

dustcart 垃圾车 (Br.)

refuse ['refju:s] 垃圾

even 甚至

more lucky 更加幸运

less lucky 更加不幸运

less 更不…( 消极比较级)

A is less + 原级 than

B A比B更不…

eg. I am less happy than before. 我比以前更加不愉快/ 更痛苦。

eg. This story is less interesting than that one. 这个故事比那个更无聊。

not as/so…as 不及, 不如

eg. I am not so happy as before. 我没以前那么愉快。 ( 现在


eg. This story is not so interesting as that one. 这个故事没那个有趣。( 可能这个也很有趣)

after prep./conj.

仅当从句主语与主句主语一致时, 才能够省略作after doing

eg. After saying Goodnight, the boy went to bed.

eg. After the students handed in their papers, the teacher left.

( 本句主从句主语不一致, 不可省略成 after doing 形式) spend time/money/ energy (in) doing sth

give up

give up fishing 放弃钓鱼

give up smoking 戒烟

give up fighting 放弃斗争


( it’s 主系表结构, its形容词性物主代词)

eg. It’s a cold day.

eg. It’s raining too.

eg.The cat drank its milk.

eg. This energy has lost its power. 这台发动机失去了动力。understand 理解, 懂得, 明白
