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Hard =>很多同学会说it’s hard 或者it’s difficult =>这样说太easy了,是初中词!实际上如果我们把这次词换成⾼高端词或者词组,那么分数就蹭蹭地往上涨了!那么我们如何做到:⽐比如说我们⽤用⼀一个学过的词,挑战challenge,那么具有挑战性的怎么说,可以这样表达:challenging,这样⼀一替代就漂亮多了!



So =>因此 thus/therefore(书⾯面语,⽐比⼝口语词强多了,可以⽤用hence)

as a result/ consequently

Because of=> due to(但是切记,不可以放在句⾸首)/ thanks to /owing to

as a result of (四个单词,凑字数!)

because很明显是初中词,低级词!⽤用得⾮非常平凡,⼀一般说由于就⽤用“because”我们可以⽤用in that+从句


⽤用“much as+从句”⾮非常漂亮!


Thankful=> 书面用语 grateful

“对---表⽰示感谢”可以说“show one’s gratitude to sb” Decide=>决定做--- be determined to do sth /

make up one’s mind to sth (六个词!)


Think=> 很多同学作文长期用这个单词

我坚持认为: I hold/assert/maintain/insist

可以⽤用短语:从我个⼈人⾓角度“from my own perspective”

from my point of view / as far as I am concerned



Good=>很好!可以⽤用积极的,positive/ beneficial 有利的/ favorable Bad =>可以⽤用消极的,negative/ unfavorable/ not beneficial Beautiful=>漂亮的就这么⼀一个词么:charming/ handsome/


know => understand/realize/ be aware of /

be surprised at=> be shocked at/ be astonished by

be astounded at/

happy=> overjoyed/delighted

more than/extremely happy ⼗十分快乐

very=>可以⽤用亮点次greatly/ extremely/ deeply/ profoundly! Love=> be fond of / fall in love with sb

爱机会,就是珍视机会 cherish/value the chance


Pay attention to attach great importance to 重视--- 关注---

In order to do 在初中⾼高中⽤用得很普遍!我们可以⽤用这样的表达

With a view to doing sth!

讲述 tell=> set forth! 提出,阐明,宣布

Tired dog-tired(狗累?及其疲惫)/ exhausted

According to in the light of 根据,按照

By by means of 通过---⼿手段

Popular wide spread/ world-renowned/ worldwide

First first and foremost / to begin with/ to start with Finally last but not least/ in a word/ all in all Important it is important

完全可以⽤用 it is of great importance that Disagree express the opposite view/ be against Remember bear sth in mind/ learn sth by heart

Should be supposed to do sth 亮点!

A waste of time time-consuming consume/consumer Rich wealthy

She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth



More and more students pay attention to their oral English

An increasing number of students attach importance to---- !


Get=> obtain/ acquire obtain knowledge/diploma

acquire skills

serious=> severe

Make great progress make remarkable achievement

Make earth-shaking achievement

Enough=> adequte/sufficient/ abudant

Famous=> distinguished doctor

Prestigious 有声望/声誉的

Popluar=> widespread/prevelant 慎⽤用低端词汇

Require call for



(例如build=> set up

期盼Expect=> look forward to doing

Be sure to do=> be bound to do sth ⼀一定要去做某事

And => as well as 切记A as well as B 谓语动词应该与A保持⼀一致Emphasize=> highlight

Solve=> settle the problem 更上档次!

Harm => threaten 威胁 damage/destroy毁灭(程度⼤大)

A way of life=> a mode of life

Necessary=> essential/ indispensable 必要的/不可缺少的
