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• 常绿乔木,高达40m,胸 径1m。树冠伞形,大枝斜 展。树皮灰褐色,纵裂。 三出复叶,小叶卵形至长 椭圆形,长7~15cm,革 质,边缘有浅圆锯齿,两 面光滑无毛,叶绿色。花 单生,淡绿色,雌雄异株, 腋生,下垂。浆果球形, 暗红褐色。种子黑褐色而 有光亮。
In the autumn of one thousand maples 千年秋枫树
• Deciduous trees, to 15 m tall. Bark brown, longitudinal cracks. Leaflets ovate to elliptic shape ovate, usually 5 ~ 11 cm, apex acuminate, base rounded or nearly cordate, margin finely serrate, both smooth and glabrous. • 落叶乔木,高15米。树皮褐色, 纵裂。小叶卵形至椭圆状卵形, 常5~11CM,先端突尖,基部圆 形或近心形,缘有细锯齿,两面 光滑无毛。
乔木,灌木或草本。 Trees, shrubs, or herbs.
• Leaves simple, thin lobular compound leaves, usually alternate; Stipule, containing milk • 单叶,稀小叶复叶, 常互生;有托叶,多 含乳汁
Growth habit
• Xi Yang, slightly • 喜阳,稍耐阴,喜温 resistant to Yin, is 暖而耐寒力较差,对 fond of warm and cold 土壤要求不严,能耐 hardiness is poorer, 水湿,根系发达,抗 the soil is relaxed, the ability of water wet, 风力强,在湿润肥沃 root developed, was 壤土上生长快速。 strong, rapid growth in the moist fertile loam.
• 大戟科,双子叶植物, • Euphorbiaceae, 约300属,8000种以 dicotyledonous plants, 上,广布于全球,中 about 300 genera, 国有66属,约864种 8000 species of the above, all world, China has 66 genera, 864 kinds
• Evergreen trees, up to 40 m, diameter at breast height of 1 m. Crown umbrella, big branch oblique exhibition. Bark graybrown, longitudinal cracks. Th源自文库ee ternate, lobules ovate to elliptic, long long 7 to 15 cm, leathery, margin with shallow circular saw, two sides smooth and glabrous, leaf green. Flowers solitary, pale green, dioecious, altar, prolapse. Berry globose, dark brown. Seeds dark brown and light.
• 浆果球形,熟时红褐 色。
Tree is graceful, the autumn leaves turn red, gorgeous and dazzing, wind resistant to moisture, growing fast, is a good shade and trees树姿优美, 秋叶转红,艳丽夺目,抗风耐湿,生长快速,是良 好的庭荫和行道树种。

Flowers unisexual, usually small, neat, into poly umbrella, umbrella, total or panicle; Often for absence of flowers, the calyx, sometimes without being or calyx, disc storage; Stamens 1 to most; Ovary superior, usually composed of 3 carpels synthesis, more than 3 room, every room have ovule 1 ~ 2, axial placenta. Capsule, a few berries or drupe 花单性,通常小而整齐,成聚伞,伞房、总 状或圆锥花序;常为单被花,萼状,有时无 被或萼、瓣俱存;雄蕊1至多数;子房上位, 通常由3心皮合成,多3室,每室有胚珠1~2, 中轴胎座。蒴果,少数为浆果或核果
• Flowers small, green, Adrian rodriguez huber -) fernando, flower.
• 花小,绿色,成总状 花序。
• Flowers small, green, Adrian rodriguez huber -) fernando, flower.
Light conditions
• Very bright light plant, the whole growth period must be sufficient sunshine, light long-term shortage, foliar stripes, spots, lack luster, soft branches, and even fallen leaves. • 喜光性植物,整个生长期均需充足阳光,光照长 期不足,叶面斑纹、斑点不明显,缺乏光泽,枝 条柔软,甚至产生落叶。
• Leaves simple, alternate, thick leathery, shapes are linear, lanceolate to oblong, margin entire or divided, wavy or spirally twisted, blade on patches of white, purple, yellow, red and grain 单叶互生,厚革质,形状有线形、 披针形至椭圆形,边缘全缘或者分 裂,波浪状或螺旋状扭曲,叶片上 常具有白、紫、黄、红色的斑块和 纹路
• 落叶乔木,高3-8米。叶互 生,叶卵形,或宽卵形, 长20-30厘米,宽4-15厘 米,先端尖或渐尖,叶基 心形,全缘或三浅裂。圆 锥状聚伞花序顶生,花单 性同株;花先叶开放,花 瓣白,有淡红色条纹,5 枚;雌蕊子房3-5室,每室 1胚珠。核果球形,先端 短尖,表面光滑。
Codiaeum variegatum

重阳木暖温带树种。喜光也稍耐荫,喜 温暖湿润的气候和深厚肥沃的砂质土壤, 对土壤的酸碱性要求不严。较耐水湿, 抗风、抗有毒气体。适应能力强,生长 快速,耐寒能力弱 Chongyang wood warm temperate species. Like light or slightly shadetolerance, xi warm humid climate and deep fertile sandy soil, relaxed acid alkali of soil. The resistance to water wet, the wind resistance, resistance to toxic gases. Adaptability is strong, grow fast, cold resistant ability
Water requirements
• Variable Ye Muxi wet afraid of dry. Growing stem leaf growth rapidly, giving enough moisture, and a day to foliar spray. But when winter low temperature the soil to keep a little dry. As winter hibernation, too much water, can cause the fallen leaves, must be strictly controlled. • 变叶木喜湿怕干。生长期茎叶生长迅速,给予充 足水分,并每天向叶面喷水。但冬季低温时盆土 要保持稍干燥。如冬季半休眠状态,水分过多, 会引起落叶,必须严格控制。
The application form
Sapium sebiferum
• Tallow (scientific name: Sapium sebiferum) is euphorbiaceae tallow is a deciduous tree, used in gardens, set view form, leaf color, fruit at an organic whole, has a very high ornamental value .乌桕(学名:Sapium sebiferum) 是大戟科乌桕属落叶乔木,应用于 园林中,集观形、观色叶、观果于 一体,具有极高的观赏价值。
• High ornamental value • 观赏价值高 • 公园观赏树种或者行 道树
Aleurites fordii Hemsl. Morphological characteristics
• Deciduous trees, 3-8 m tall. Leaves alternate, lobes ovate or ovate, wide 20 to 30 cm long, 4-15 cm wide, apex acute or acuminate, leaf base cordate, margin entire or three shallow crack. Conical cyme, flowers unisexual homologous strain; First leaves open, flower is white, with reddish stripes, five; Pistil ovary 3-5 rooms, each room 1 ovule. Drupe globose, apex acute, smooth surface.

Suitable for temperature
• The origin of Java in Indonesia to Australia. Like high temperature, humid, and sunny environment, not cold. Optimum temperature for 20 ~ 30 ℃, 3 ~ 10 month for 21 ~ 30 ℃, October to next March 13 ~ 18 ℃. The winter temperature is not lower than 13 ℃. Short-term at 10 ℃, the leaf color is not bright, appears dim, lack luster. The temperature in 4 ~ 5 ℃, the blade by cold, cause a large number of leaves, and even the whole plant to freeze to death. • 原产印度尼西亚的爪哇至澳大利亚。喜高温、湿润和阳光充足的环境, 不耐寒。适温为20~30℃,3~10月为21~30℃,10月至翌年3月为 13~18℃。冬季温度不低于13℃。短期在10℃,叶色不鲜艳,出现 暗淡,缺乏光泽。温度在4~5℃时,叶片受冻害,造成大量落叶,甚 至全株冻死。