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1,welcome to our hotel.欢迎光临

2,Good morning/afternoon/evening.早上好/下午好/晚上好

3,How do you do?你好(初次见面)

4,How are you?你好

5,Wish most pleasant stay in our hotel?祝你在酒店过得愉快.

6,Have a nice stay. /Have a good time /Have a nice time. 祝你过得愉快7,I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 祝你和我们一起过得愉快8,I hope you will enjoy your stay in our hotel. 祝你在酒店过得愉快. 9,Let me introduce our manager to you.让我介绍我们的经理给你认识. 10,Let me introduce myself. 让我我自介绍一下.

11,This is our manager, Mr. Wang.这位是我们的经理,王先生

12,Nice to meet you.非常高兴认识你.

13,Happy birthday! 生日快乐

14,Happy New Year!新年快乐

15,Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐

16,Have a nice holiday!假日快乐

17,Wish you every success!希望你成功

18,Good luck.祝你好运

19,It is nice to meet you. 非常高兴认识你.


21,Wait a moment.please.请等一下

22,Just a moment ,please. 请稍等

23,Hold on,please.请不要挂断

24,Sorry, he is not in at the moment.读不起,他现在不在.

25,Would you like to leave a message?你需要留个言吗?

26,I beg your pardon?对不起,再说一便好吗?

27,Can you speak a little slower, please?你能说得慢些吗?

28,Sorry, I’ve dialed the wrong number.对不起,我打错电话了.

29,May I speak to Mr.Smith?请找斯密思先生接电话?


31,It is Wang speaking.我是王,请讲(电话用语)

32,Can I help you?我能帮你做些什么?

33,What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么?

34,Is there anything else I can do for you?还有什么可以为你做的吗? 35,Thank you very much.非常感谢你.

36,Thank you for your advice/help.非常感谢你的建议/帮助

37,Thanks 谢谢

38,It’s very kind of you.你真好.

39,You are welcome.乐意为你服务

40,It is my pleasure.为你服务是我的荣幸

41,with pleasure不客气

42,my pleasure不用谢

43,I am at your service随时为你服务

44,at your service. 随时为你服务

45,I’m sorry It’s my fault.非常抱歉,这是我的错.

46,Sorry to have kept you waiting.抱歉,让你久等了.

47,Sorry to interrupt you.抱歉,打扰了.

48,I’m sorry about this.对于这个,我很抱歉.

49,I apologize for this.我为这个向你道歉(较正式)

50,That’s all right. 不要紧

51,Let’s forget it.忘了它吧.

52,Never mind.不要紧

53,Excuse me, may I have your name?对不起,我可以知道你的名字吗?

54,Of course./certainly.当然.

55,Can I come through please?我可以过去吗?

56,Would you mind if I take it away.请问,是否介意我把它撤走.

57,Could you sign the bill please?你能签一下这张帐单吗?

58,Would you like to show me your room card?你能够出示一下你的房卡吗?

59,Let me show you to the Front Desk.让我带你去总台吧.

60,Let me take you there..让我带你去那里吧.

61,This way ,please.请这边走

62,Please follow me.请跟我来

63,Wacth your step.小心脚下.

64,You first, please.您先请

65,After you, madam.夫人,你先请。

66,Go ahead, and turn to the left/right.往前走,然后往左/右转

67,It is on the second floor/third floor/in the basement.它在二楼/三楼/地下室

68,It is next to the business center.它在商务中心的隔壁

69,It is opposite to the shop.它在商店的对面

70,Go upstairs/downstairs to the third floor.上/下楼到三楼

71,It is in the lobby near the main entrance.它在大堂大门附近

72,Please be careful.小心点

73,Take it easy放心

74,D on’t worry.不用担心

75,See you later过会见

76,See you tomorrow.明天见

77,Have a nice trip.旅途愉快

78,Wish you have a good journey.希望你旅途愉快

79,I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you are better soon.听到这个真的很遗憾,希望你快些好起来80,Have a good rest.好好休息

81,Did you hurt yourself?您伤着了没有?
