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1.Shewas so angry and spoke so fast thatnoneof us understood_______he said meant.

A. that ﻩﻩﻩB.what ﻩﻩﻩC. that thatﻩﻩ D. what what

2. After _______had happenedhe could not continue to work there.

A.whichﻩ B. how ﻩﻩ C. whatﻩﻩﻩD. having


He pointed to ______ looked like a tomb andsaid,“Ghost.”

A.thatﻩﻩﻩ B.whatﻩﻩC. whichﻩD.as

3. “Is______ you wantto say?” asked the teacher.

ﻩﻩﻩD.that all

A. thisﻩﻩﻩ

B. that ﻩﻩﻩC. all thatﻩ

4.“When______leave for Japan?” “When______leavefor Japanis kept secret.”

A. they will, will they B.will they,they will C.they will, they willﻩD. will they,willthey

(1) Noneknows if_______ that boy, but if _______ him, her parents will be disappointed.

A. she will marry,she will marryﻩﻩ

B. she marries, shemarries

C. she will marry, she marries ﻩﻩD.she marries,she will m arry

(2) “Where _______goto work?”“Where _______go towork is notknown.”

A. weshall, we shall B. shall we, shallweﻩC. shall we, we shall D. we shall,shall we

5.Someone isringing thedoorbell. Go and see ______.A.who isheﻩﻩB. whohe is C. who is itﻩﻩD.who it is 6. Don’t you know,my dear friend, ______ it is your money not you thatsheloves?

A.who B. whichﻩﻩﻩﻩC. thatﻩﻩD. what

(1)Everyone knows, perhapsexcept you, _______yourgirl-friendis a cheat.


B. whichﻩﻩ

C. thatﻩﻩD.what

(2) Ithink, though I could be mistaken,______she liked me.

ﻩﻩﻩD. what

A. who ﻩﻩ



(3) He toldme the news, believeitor not,______hehadearned $1 000in a singleday.

ﻩﻩﻩB. which ﻩﻩﻩC. asﻩ D. because

A. thatﻩ


1. Theylost theirway in theforest, and_______ madematters wo rse was that night beganto fall.

ﻩﻩﻩﻩB. whichﻩﻩﻩC.that ﻩD.what


2.Patience is a kindofquality—andthatis___it takestod

oanything well.

ﻩﻩﻩD. how

A.whatﻩﻩﻩB.whichﻩﻩﻩﻩC. whichﻩ

3. Ithas come to my notice _______ someofyou have missed classes.

A. whatﻩﻩB.which ﻩﻩﻩC.thatﻩﻩﻩD. when

4.“What were you trying to prove tothe police?”“___ I was last night.”

A. That ﻩﻩB. When C. WhereﻩﻩD.What

5. Country lifegives himpeace andquiet, which is ______ hecan’t enjoy while living inbig cities.

ﻩﻩﻩB. whyﻩﻩ C.where ﻩﻩﻩD.what

A. thatﻩ

6. It is pretty well understood_______ controls the flow of carbondioxide in and outtheatmosphere today.


A. thatﻩﻩﻩB.when ﻩC. whatﻩ

7. _______ shecouldn’t understand was ______ fewer and fewer students showed i

nterestin her lessons.

A. What;whyﻩB.That;whatﻩC.What;because

D. Why; that

8. _______ we are doinghas neverbeen done before.

A. Thatﻩ

B.WhatﻩﻩﻩC. Which D. Whether

9.People have heard _______ the Presidenthas said;they are waitingtosee _______ hewill do.

A. how,howﻩ

B. what,what ﻩﻩ

C. when, how ﻩD. that,what

10. When you answer questions in a job interview, pleaseremember the

goldenrule: Always give the monkey exactly _______he wants.

A. whatﻩﻩﻩ

B. whichﻩﻩ



11. These wildflowers areso special I would do_______ Ican tosave them.

A. whatever ﻩB.thatﻩ C. which ﻩﻩD. whichever

12._______she was invited to the ball made herveryhappy.

A.WhatﻩﻩB. That ﻩﻩﻩC. WhenﻩﻩD. Because

13. Eat ______cakeyou like and leave theothers for______comes inlate.

A. any, whoB.every,whoever C.whichever, whoe verﻩD. either, whoever

14. Ihad neithera raincoat nor an umbrella. _______Igot wet through.

A.It’sthereason B. That’swhyﻩﻩC. There’swhyﻩ D. That’s because

15. ____ hashelpedtosave the drowning girl is worth praising.

A.Who B.The one ﻩﻩC. AnyoneﻩﻩD. Whoever

16. _______ medicine works ina human bodyis a question_______ not

everyone can understandfully.


B.That; whichﻩﻩﻩ

C. That; which ﻩD.What;that
