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美国军事学院(The United States Military Academy at West Point),常被称为西点军校。西点军校是美国第一所军事学校,位于纽约州西点(哈德逊河西岸),距离纽约市约80公里。学校占地1万6千英亩(约6千5百公亩)。西点军校的校训是“责任、荣誉、国家”,该校是美国历史最悠久的军事学院之一。它曾与英国桑赫斯特皇家军事学院、俄罗斯伏龙芝军事学院以及法国圣西尔军校并称世界“四大军校”。


这所几乎和美国历史一样悠久的著名军校,建成近190年来,一直被称为美国陆军军官的摇篮。它培育了一代又一代名将和军事人才,其中有3700多人成为将军,2人成为美国总统(格兰特和艾森豪威尔)。据1993年统计,美国陆军中有超过40%的将军是西点军校的毕业生。从南北战争到海湾战争,西点毕业生都创下了辉煌的业绩The United States Military Academy (The United States he Academy at West Point), often referred to as West Point. West point is America's first military school, located in the west of New York (Hudson River west bank), about 80 km distance from New York City. School covers an area of 16000 acres (6500 acres). West point motto is \"responsibility, honor, country\", the school is one of the oldest military academy in the United States. It has with the British royal military academy sandhurst, Russia volongze military academy and French st cyr point saying \"four point\" of the world.

West point covers an area of more than 16000 acres. Campus, tree-lined, beautiful scenery. West point in the square, roads and buildings are named after the famous generals name in American history, such as building in Washington, thayer building, grant building, building and Eisenhower rez square, etc. Teaching center of west point of the library, the library of the first army and the first federal library. Existing library, more than 60 volumes have audio-visual material, including nearly 8600 plate music, television, video and language material, text, classical music and pop music tapes. West point all kinds sports facilities, well-equipped. It has two large comprehensive stadium, a sports building and several indoor and outdoor swimming pool, outdoor basketball court, volleyball court and football field, tennis courts, football, hockey, skiing, 18 hole golf course and bowling alley.

Almost as old as the history of the United States by the famous military school, built in 190 years, has been called the cradle of American army officer. It nurtured generation after generation star and military personnel, including more than 3700 people become a general, two people become the President of the United States

(grant and Eisenhower). According to 1993 statistics, more than 40% of the U.S. army general west point graduates. From the civil war to the gulf war, the west point graduates have hit a brilliant performance




到现代科学技术发展的进程。Into the west museum,

exhibition of the natural first is the history of west point,

the second is including the revolutionary war, the

Mexican war, two world war ii the United States experienced warfare. Hanging in the exhibition hall of the various periods of different old military flag, it is the different war history. Evolution is worth watching, "the United States military weapon exhibition", according to introducing, this is the western hemisphere's largest weapon collection, which not only can understand from modern to the development of modern American arms, and you can see to the development of modern science and technology in modern process.
