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Lesson 1

1. fellow countrymen 同胞

2. average height 中等身材

3. gleaming eyes 闪光的眼睛

4. in his middle twenties 二十多岁

5. to be seated 招呼坐下

6. stand squarely 端端正正地站着

7. more than ten years his junior 比他年轻十几岁

8. revolutionary road 革命道路

9. Chinese communist Party 中国共产党

10. full member 正式成员

11. membership 党籍

12. keep a secret 保密

Lesson 2

1. immeasurable contrast 迥然不同

2. to and fro 走来走去

3. upturn face 仰着脸

4. sweet spring 芬芳的春天

5. anger and bitterness 又气愤又苦恼

6. dense fog 大雾

7. tense and anxious 紧张而焦急

8. 五一的下午on the afternoon of May 1st

9. 无言的呼唤wordless cry

10. 探测绳sounding-line

Lesson 3

1. 各种流派的different schools

2. 前两天a few days ago

3. 受限制be restricted/be subjected to

4. 传统观念traditional thinking

5. 不合理的制度irrational system

6. 最高境界the highest state

7. 浓妆艳抹heavy make up

8. 主人公chief character/principal character

9. 花言巧语flowery language

10. 社会进步和人性发展social progress and human development

Lesson 4

1. 工业革命Industrial Revolution

2. 多功能的机器multi-purpose machine

3. 出于自愿和兴趣on one’s own account, out of interest

4. 新兴城市the rising town

5. 大胆的举止in a bolder manner

6. 实干家practical man

7. 交通动脉arteries of communication

8. in the air 传说中,酝酿中

9. source of power 能源

10. outstanding feature 突出特点

Lesson 5

1. 极西地带far west

2. 山区mountainous regions

3. 永久定居permanent settlement

4. 为…打下基础lay foundations for

5. 专门从事devote exclusively to

6. 合法手续legal title

7. establish communities 建立村镇

8. stock-raising 养殖畜牧业

9. open public domain 开放的公共地带

10. regular event 常事

11. high plains 高原

12. criss-crossed 纵横交错

Lesson 6

1. 新民主主义new democracy

2. 五四运动the May 4th Movement

3. 辛亥革命the Revolution of 1911

4. 革命知识分子revolutionary intellectuals

5. 帝国主义imperialist

6. 无产阶级proletariat

7. 在…的号召下at the call of

8. 小资产阶级知识分子petty-bourgeois intellectuals

9. 统一战线的革命运动the revolutionary movement of a united front

10. 平民文学literature for the common people

11. 北伐战争the Northern Expedition

12. 右翼the rightwing

Lesson 7

1. life-giving 赋予生命

2. everlastingly 无穷无尽的

3. the Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲

4. freshly harvested 刚割的

5. Mediterranean 地中海

6. the Pyramids 金字塔

7. negative effects 不良的后果

8. a ghost town 鬼城;被遗弃的荒芜的城镇

9. brightly painted 颜色鲜艳的

10. member of a team 队员

11. 河流入海口the mouth of the river

12. 水坝发电power generated by the dam Lesson 8

1. Mt. Lofty Ranges 洛夫蒂岭山

2. average annual rainfall 平均年降雨量

3. surveyor general 测量总监

4. business district 商业区

5. residential section 住宅区

6. municipal government 自治政府

7. lord mayoralty 市长的职位

8. mineral deposit 矿藏

9. marketing centre 贸易中心

10. automobile components 汽车部件

11. 地中海型气候Mediterranean climate

12. 文艺节Festival of Arts

Lesson 9

1. Palace Museum 故宫博物院

2. walled courtyard 带围墙的院子

3. watchtower 更楼

4. complete group o f ancient buildings 完整的古代建筑群

5. ravages of time 时间的摧残

6. ancient Chinese architecture古代中国建筑

7. historical sites 历史遗址

8. cobbled roadway 鹅卵石路

9. Golden Water Bridge 金水桥

10. typical masterpiece 具有代表意义的杰作Lesson 10

1. global economy 全球性的经济

2. sovereign nation 主权国家

3. mutual prosperity 共同繁荣

4. sum total 总数,总额

5. foreign investment 外国投资

6. per capita GNP 人均国民生产总值

7. 沿海地区coastal areas

8. 平均率average rate

9. 电力生产electrical production

10. 双边贸易two way trade

11. 外汇foreign exchange

12. 生活水平standard of living

Lesson 11

1. marine insurance 海事保险

2. flows of capital资本流动

3. foreign exchange dealing 外汇交易

4. outward investor 对外投资者

5. Pacific region 太平洋地区

6. the right climate for 良好的环境

7. vast size and resources 地大物博

8. to take a real interest in sth. 密切关注某事

9. coastal city 沿海城市

10. international community 国际社会

11. entrepreneurial spirit 进取精神

12. 对外开放政策the policy of opening to the outside world

13. 世界投资体系world investment system

14. 经济改革economic reforms

Lesson 12

1. 基本方针basic principle

2. 自给自足self-sufficiency

3. 客观有利因素favorable objective factors

4. 生产条件production condition

5. 耕地cultivated land

6. 中、低产田medium-and-low-yield land

7. 灌溉面积irrigated areas

8. 宜农荒地arable land

9. 复种指数multiple crop index

10. 水利工程water-control projects

11. 单位面积产量the yield per unit area

12. 粮食总产量目标total grain output target Lesson 13

1. agonizing flashback 痛苦的回忆

2. come and go 霎时即去

3. property damage 财产损失

4. monotonous 单调的,枯燥的

5. flash-flooding 暴雨成灾

6. to imprint on one’s mind 印在某人的脑海里

7. scare tactic 吓唬人的办法

8. power of nature 大自然的力量

9. river bed 河床

10. to give sth. much thought 仔细想某事

11. 无情的relentless

12. 雨季rainy season

Lesson 14

1. maternal grandfather 外祖父

2. the flower of one’s youth 风华正茂

3. popular science 科普读物

4. undue absorption in the past 过分地怀念过去
