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● 2

●Shape = to have great influence on sb;determine the nature of

sth. e.g.1.These events helped to shape her future career.这些事情对她的未来事业产生重大影响。e.g.2.Her attitudes were shaped partly by her early experiences.她的想法一定程度上由她的早期经历决定。

●一定程度上:partly, to an extent, to some extent, to some


●conform 与……一致

● 3

●off and on=from time to time=sometimes断断续续地,有时

e.g.It has been raining on and off for a week, that's why the

clothes feel damp(潮湿的).

●Belleville=a city in a coal mining region,has diverse industry. ●possibility=likelihood e.g.They haven't arrived yet. There's the

possibility that they've taken the wrong road.

●take hold=become established生根,确立e.g.Old habits die

hard. (很难摆脱)That's why you should stop smoking before the habit takes hold.

●bored get/be bored by sth; grow bored with a crashing

bore/a frightful bore/an insufferable bore/an utter bore讨厌之极的人/事

●Assignment=a piece of work given to a particular person(分

配的)工作,任务,作业~assign assign sth to sb=assign sb sth [give] e.g. Some work to do on holiday was assigned.

●turn out = (1) come out or gather as for a meeting, public

event, etc. e.g.1.A large group of protester(抗议者)have turned out. e.g.2.Crowd turned out for the procession. (2) prove

e.g. The plan turned out a failure/success. (3)shut off

turn out the light (4)produce e.g. The school has turned out some great scholars.


●anticipate+gerund(动名词)/that e.g.1. They anticipate that

deaths from AIDS will have doubled by 2005. e.g.2. We anticipate running into problems in carrying out the medical welfare reform.(医改) e.g.3. We anticipate hearing from you.

●cheerless ~cheering欢呼~cheerful~cheerleader拉拉队长

●That most tedious of subjects=the most tedious subject of all


●Have a reputation for 因……

●be able to do,have the ability to do <=> be capable of

●Inspire sb to do an inspired guess凭灵感做出的猜测

e.g.1.Martin Luther King Jr's speeches inspired people to fight

for equal treatment of African Americans. e.g.2.The last leaf on the tree that never fell off inspired the dying patient with the will to live on. ~inspiration+to do e.g.Her work shows real inspiration.

●Rigid=fixed in behavior, views or methods; strict e.g.If he had

been a little less rigid about things, his daughter would not have left home at such a young age.

●Hopeless be hopeless at对……一窍不通 a

hopelessly ill patient绝症

●Be/go out of date/old fashioned<=>be fashionable/up to

date bring sth up to date

●Prim=stiffly (too) formal or correct in behavior and showing a

dislike of anything rude and improper. A prim dress端庄prim appearance prim and proper[negative]过于古板和认真●Severe=1朴素的:Hemingway is known for his severe writing

style. strict: be severe on/with e.g. Only those who have undergone severe training can be accepted into the air force. 3 剧烈的e.g. The severe chest pain experienced by the Vice-president proved to be a heart attack.

●Glasses=spectacles, contact lens

●Wavy 卷曲的有波纹的

●He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar

buttons of his white shirts.


●tackle e.g. The question set by the teacher was so difficult that

pupils did not know how to tackle it.

●Distribute=divide and give out among people, places, etc.

distribute sth sb. {词根}tribute e.g. films tribute(n.)/dedicated to the national day; pay tribute to [contribute, attribute to把..归因于]

●Simple-minded=showing very little intelligence

narrow/open-minded; high-minded思想高尚; strong-minded 意志坚强

●Due e.g.1. The book is due to publish in Nov. e.g.2. The train is

due in 15 minutes.
