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With bread and milk for breakfast cereal sausages and eggs juice coffee primarily. Lunch generally in the workplace with fast food (fast food is the typical American diet culture, very popular), and they have a sandwich fruit coffee hot dogs and hamburgers. Dinner is dinner, more rich, have just a little dish, such as steak barbecue pork Fried chicken, served with bread and butter green vegetables fruit snack早餐以面包、牛奶、鸡蛋、果汁、麦片、咖啡、香肠等为主。午餐一般在工作地点用快餐(快餐是典型的美国饮食文化,十分普及),一般有三明治、水果、咖啡、汉堡包、热狗等。晚餐是正餐,比较丰盛,有一二道菜,如牛排、猪排、烤肉、炸鸡等,配面包、黄油、青菜、水果、点心等s, etc.

There are many people in the United States on restaurant dinner restaurant many, general supply buffet fast food special (fixed rice) full meal, etc. Various kinds of forms of catering, price cheap compared commonly, also can I take your order, to order breakfast in the highest prices generally 8 or so, lunch at 12-14 general, dinner in at about 18 general before sleep they have a snack habit, adults with fruit candy is given priority to, children are eating milk and cookies



美国人的口味比较清淡,喜欢吃生、冷食品,如凉抖菜、嫩肉排等,热汤也不烫。菜肴的味道一般是咸中带点甜。煎、炸、炒、烤为主要烹调方式,不用红烧、蒸等方式。以肉、鱼、蔬菜为主食,面包、面条、米饭是副食。甜食有蛋糕、家常小馅饼、冰淇淋等。他们喜欢吃青豆、菜心、豆苗、刀豆、蘑菇等蔬菜。所用肉类都先剔除骨头,鱼去头尾和骨刺,虾蟹去壳。The americans is light, like to eat raw LengShiPin, such as cold dishes such as shaking tender steak, hot soup is not very hot dishes of general is salty flavor with some sweet Fried fry roast for the main cook means, not means such as steam to braise in soy sauce meat, fish, vegetables for staple, bread is sweet rice noodles have a small fusi cake pie ice cream etc they like to eat beans vegetables fabaceous seedling knife bean mushrooms, etc are used to eliminate vegetables meat bones, fish to the head and tail and spur, shrimp, crab shell
