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1.be subjected to 受···的控制,遭受

Eg :Scientists subject spacemen to all kinds of tests before they send them up in rockets


2.take steps 采取步骤

3.give sb an order for sth向某人订购某物

Eg:I gave the restaurant an order for two seats purchase

4.count for much 关系重要很有价值

Eg:It is true we won the match,but since the opposing team was so obviously inferior to ours,our success does not count for much


5.seeing that 考虑到

6.be critical of对···爱挑剔的

Eg:She is always very critical of her so n’s appearance


7.be to blame 该受责备,应负责

8.acquaint sb with 让某人熟悉,使某人了解

9.How is it that为什么,什么原因使得

Eg:How is it that your roommate’s request and yours are identical?


10.traffic density交通量

11. find fault with 挑毛病

12. strike a match 划燃火柴

13. gas leak 煤气泄漏

14. embrace an opportunity 把握机会

15. know better than to do sth 最好知道做···是不对的

Eg:You should know better than to leave your little sister at home by herself 你最好知道让你妹妹一个人在家是不对的

16.do sb a good turn 做利于某人的事

17. be meant to do sth旨在···

18. lose track of 失去···的联络,线索

19. owing to 归咎于(to是介词,后接名词或动名词)

20.take offense at对···生气

Eg:Feeling that she was in the right,she took offense at the dirty remark


21.just as···so···如同···也是···

22. leisure activity 休闲活动

23.on end 连续不断地(和表示时间的词连用)

Eg:The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three hours on end last night


24. consistent with 与···一致

25. ratio of A to B 比率···

e in handy有用处派上用场

27.lose no time in doing sth抓紧做···

28.ward sth/sb off 防止,避免(危险,疾病,攻击)

29.on the threshold of 即将···

30.reconcile sb to + n 屈从于

Eg:They will never reconcile themselves to their defeat


31.of late 近来(注意:当这个词用于句中,要用完成时)

Eg:They have visited the park of late


32.stumble upon偶然发现

Eg:While doing calculation for the project,the designers stumbled upon a new problem to a geological problem.


33.be disgusted with 对···厌恶

34.in quest of 探寻,寻找

35.by degrees逐渐地

36.take sth in strike 从容处理,泰然处之

37.subscribe to 同意,赞成

38. place reliance on 信任···

39.on account 赊账

Eg:——How could you buy the whole flat?


——I bought it on account。


40.blow one’s top 发脾气

Eg:Mary blew her top when she found her husband drunk again


41.exel at∕in ···擅长某一方面

42.second to none 最好的

Eg:Try some of this tobacco. You will say it’s second to none



44.answer a letter回信

45.on the verge of = on the brink of = on the point of 接近···,濒临于···

46.get hold of找到···

47.be suspicious of ···对···怀疑

48.on the rise 上升

on the decline 下降

49.stick to坚持(真理,原则)

50.speculate on/about推测,推断
