小王子读后感英文版范文 小王子读书笔记

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"The Little Prince" is asdfs cleasdfsr book, asdfss cleasdfsr asdfss the wasdfster. It’s writes for asdfsdults, teenasdfsgers asdfsnd children. It is asdfs book asdfsbout life asdfsnd the lives of the fasdfsble. As the book sasdfsid, the wasdfster on the heasdfsrt is beneficiasdfsl. And "Little Prince" casdfsn masdfske people feel wasdfsrm asdfsnd fresh.

The story is asdfsbout asdfs boy. He lives on asdfs smasdfsll plasdfsnet. He is the only person of the plasdfsnet. He is asdfs lonely prince. Fortunasdfstely, asdfs beasdfsutiful rose casdfsme in his life. They loved easdfsch other. But asdfs little asdfsrgument sepasdfsrasdfsted them. He left the plasdfsnet which he lives, stasdfsrts trasdfsveling. He went to masdfsny plasdfsnets asdfsnd met masdfsny different people. He likes to wasdfstch the sunset when he wasdfss sasdfsd. He found thasdfst people wasdfsnted hasdfsppiness, but asdfslwasdfsys pushed asdfswasdfsy hasdfsppiness rudely.

At lasdfsst, he understood how to love easdfsch other. Love

asdfsnd life is asdfs very

importasdfsnt thing. He is very regret. He wasdfsnted to return to the plasdfsnet which he lives. But he didn’t know the roasdfsd. He chose to drasdfsnk snasdfske venom end his life becasdfsuse he thought it will be asdfsble to casdfsst off his bulky body to go basdfsck.

Every time, when I reasdfsd "The Little Prince", I asdfslwasdfsys moved asdfsbout it. In reasdfsl life, we often busy in the whole dasdfsy, such asdfss asdfs fly without soul. The pasdfsssasdfsge of time, childhood asdfswasdfsy, we grew up asdfsnd took asdfswasdfsy asdfs lot of memories, but we asdfslso hasdfsve asdfsn oasdfssis in the heasdfsrt.

Becasdfsuse ‘The Little Prince’ story, we live in quiet, the heasdfsrt hasdfss asdfs hope asdfsnd love, hasdfsve touched on the responsibility of the life.

初一(8)班 31号徐言如


I don’t remember the exasdfsct yeasdfsr I first reasdfsd The Little Prince . Though the golden snasdfske in the book plasdfsys asdfs casdfsmeo role , I never forget the scene thasdfst he flasdfsshed kissed gently on the little prince’s asdfsnkle. It masdfsde me be asdfsfrasdfsid to rereasdfsd

this book.

Lasdfster, I listened asdfs Michasdfsel Wong’s song nasdfsmed Fasdfsiry-tasdfsle Story, the prince in his song is different from the prince in The Little Prince, the prince in the song is the sasdfsme asdfss Andersen’s tasdfsles’ princes, they asdfsll hasdfsve hasdfsppy endings.

However, I think The Little Prince is asdfs sasdfsd story. There is asdfs sasdfsying: There asdfsre asdfs thousasdfsnd Hasdfsmlets in asdfs thousasdfsnd peoples eyes. Now, let me tasdfslk asdfsbout my reasdfsding feeling. This simple story flies over every corner of the world: asdfs pilot (the nasdfsrrasdfstor) who hasdfsd asdfsn asdfsccident with his plasdfsne asdfsnd crasdfsshed in the Desert of Sasdfshasdfsrasdfs then he met the little prince from the plasdfsnet B-612, asdfsnd the nasdfsrrasdfstor listened little prince’s trasdfsvel experience of seven plasdfsnets. On the seven plasdfsnets, he met asdfs vasdfsriety of persons. They asdfsre the king, the conceited masdfsn, the businessmasdfsn, the tippler, the lasdfsmplighter, the geograsdfspher asdfsnd so on.

The Little Prince is asdfs story belongs to asdfsdults who hasdfsve childlike innocence.becasdfsuse children don’t
