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Be a lifelong learner
1. Learning doesn’t finish when you leave school.
2.Learning can become a way of life which helps you to achieve your greatest potential.
3.We never stop learning; there is always something new and interesting to discover.
4.Learning new skills can be a bit scary but we all need to do this each time we reach a personal learning plateau.
5.Cross the plateau by actively seeking support and advice.
6.Take up some training, further education night classes any new interest which will help you to develop your strengths.
7.Keep looking and listening and keep your brain active. You are never too old to learn.
1. 离开学校并不意味着学习就结束了。
2. 学习可以成为一种生活方式,帮助你发挥最大的潜能。
3. 我们从未停止学习,总会有新的、有趣的东西等着我们去现。
4. 学习新的技能可能让人感到有一点恐惧,但每当我们在个人学习上停滞不前时,我们都需要去学习新的东西。
5. 积极地寻求支援和建议,突破停滞期。
6. 参加一些培训、进修、夜校—任何新的兴趣都将会有助于发展你的优势。
7. 多看、多听,让你的头脑保持活跃。学习永远也不嫌年龄大。/学到老,学到老。

Keep busy
1.The secret of being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. So don’t bother to think about it! Spit on your hands and get busy. Your blood will start circulating; your mind will start ticking and pretty soon this whole positive upsurge of life in your body will drive worry from your mind.Get busy. Keep busy. It’s the cheapest kind of medicine there is on this earth and one of the best.

1. 令自己感到沮丧的“秘诀”就是用空闲时间去烦恼自己是否快乐。所以,不要费事去想它!摩拳擦掌干起来吧。你将热血沸腾,你会头脑清醒。很快,在你身体中的这种高涨的积极人生观将把烦恼从你的头脑中赶出去。

Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity


1.There is no better school than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve my performance next time. Never again will I contribute to my downfall by refusing to face the truth and learn from my past mistakes. Because I know: gems cannot shine without polish, and I cannot perfect myself without hardship.

2.Now I know that there are no times in life when opportunity, the chance to be and do, gathers so richly about my soul as when it has to suffer cruel adversity. Then everything depends on whether I raise my head or lower it in seeking help. Whenever I am struck down, in the future, by any terrible def

eat, I will always inquire of myself, after the first pain has passed how I can turn that adversity into good. What a great opportunity that moment might present… to take the bitter root I am holding and transform it into a fragrant garden of flowers.

3.Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.

1. 逆境是一所最好的学校每一次打击、每一次损失。都蕴含着成功的萌芽。都教会我在下一次有更出色的表现。我再也不会逃避现实,也不会拒绝从以往的错误中获取经验,我不再因此促成自己的失败。因为我我知道,宝玉不经磨砺就不能发光,没有磨练,我也不完善自我。
2. 现在我知道,灵魂倍受煎熬的时刻,也正是生命中最多选择与机会的时刻。任何事情的成败取决于我在寻求帮助时是抬起头还是低下头。无论何时,当我被可怕的失败击倒,在最初的阵痛过去之后,我都要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现——这苦涩的根本必将迎来满园芬芳!
3. 我将一直在困境中寻找成功希望。

Hold Fast to Dreams
1. We all have dreams. We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place.

2.At one time in our lives, we all had a vision for the quality of life that we desire and deserve. Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them. For far too many, the dream has dissipated and with it, so has the will to shape our destinies. Many have lost that sense of certainty that creates the winner’s edge.

3..What we should do is to restore the dream and to make it real, to get each of us to remember and use the unlimited power that lies sleeping within us all.

1. 我们每个人都有梦想。我们每个人都希望能发自内心地相信自己有一种特殊的天赋,相信自己能发挥重要的作用,相信自己能以某种特殊的方式感动他人,相信自己能够把世界变得更加美好。
2. 在一生中,我们都曾经对自己渴望并追求的生活品质有憧憬。然而,对我们大多数从来说,这些憧憬在日常生活的成规和挫败中已经变得如此渺茫,以至于我们甚至不再努力去实现它们。对太多人来说,梦想已经远离,随之远离的还有塑造我们命运的意愿。很多人已经失去坚定的信念,而是坚定的信念为胜利者创造了优势。
3. 我们所要做的就是重拾梦想,并实现梦想,让我们每个人都记住,并去运用深藏在自己身上的无限潜能。
Noting can take the place of persistence
1.Nothing in the world can take the place of per

sistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

2.Perseverance does not always mean sticking to the same thing forever. It means giving full concentration and effort to whatever you are doing, right now! It means doing the tough things first and looking downstream for gratification and rewards. It means being happy in your work, but hungry for more knowledge and progress. It means making more calls, going more miles, pulling more weeds, getting up earlier in the day and always being on the look out for a better way of doing what you’re doing. Perseverance is success through trial and error.
1. 世界上没有任何东西可以替代毅力。才干不可以。无所作为的能人十分普遍;天分不可以,碌碌无为的天才尽人皆知;教育不可以,受过良好教育的没落者更是随处可见。只要有毅力和决心,就是无所不能的。
2. 毅力并不总是意味着永远坚持做同一件事。它意味着无论做什么事情,你都要立刻全心投入、竭尽全力;它意味着先做艰苦的工作,再去期待随之而来的满足和回报。它意味着开心地工作,渴望更多的知识和进步。它意味着多打几个电话、多走几里路、多除草、早起床、意味着总是寻求更好的方式去做你在做的事情。毅力就是经历考验和过去的成功。

Always will I bathe my days in the sea of enthusiasm


1.Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it.
2.Without enthusiasm I am doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it I can accomplish miracles.
3.Some of us are enthusiastic at times and few even retain their eagerness for a day or week. All that is good but I must and I will form the habit of sustaining my enthusiasm indefinitely, honestly, and sincerely so that the success I enjoy today can be repeated tomorrow and next week and next month.
4.We first must make our habits and then, good or bad, they make us. Enthusiasm, the love for whatever it is I am doing at the moment, works in marvelous ways I need not ever attempt to understand but I do know that it will give additional vitality to my muscles and my mind.
5.Always will I bathe my days in the sea of enthusiasm.

1. 历史上任何伟大的成就都可以称为是热情的胜利。没有热情,不可能成就任何伟业。
2. 没有热情,我注定要在平庸中度过一生;而有了热情,我将创造奇迹。
3. 一些人时不时有点热情,少数人能够保持一天或一周的热情。这些都很好,但我必须也必将养成这样的习惯:永远地、诚恳地、真诚地保持我的热情。这样我今天所享

4. 首先我们必须养成自己良好的习惯,然后,无论习惯是好是坏,这些习惯塑造我们。热情,也就是我对自己现在正在做的任何事情的热爱,起着不可思议的作用,我并不需要努力去弄懂它,但我的确知道,它将给我的身体肌肉和头脑带来额外的活力。
Try more than once
1.Take a look at an apple tree. There might be five hundred apple apples on the tree, but each apple has just ten seeds. That’s a lot of seeds.

2.We might ask, “Why would you need so many seeds just to grow a few more apple trees?”
3.Nature has something to teach us here. It’s telling us: “Not all seeds grow. In life, most seeds never grow. So if you really want to make something happen, you had better try more than once.

4.This might mean:
You’ll attend twenty interviews to get one job. You’ll interview forty people to sell one house, one car, one vacuum cleaner, one insurance policy, or a business idea. And you might meet a hundred acquaintances just to find one special friend.

5.When we understand the “Law of the Seed”, we don’t get so disappointed. We stop feeling like victims. We learn how to deal with things that happen to us.

1. 看一看苹果树,树上可能有500个,但每个苹果就有10粒种子。那可真是有很多种子!
2. 我们可能会问:“这什么需要那么多种子才能再长出几棵苹果树?”
3. 自然界教会我们一个道理:并不是所有的种子都能生长。事实上,大部分种子都不会生长。所以,如果你真的想做出点什么,你最好多试几次。
4. 这也就是说:你将参加20次面试才能得到一份工作。你将面试40个人才能找到一个好的雇员。你将跟50个人谈话才能卖掉一座房、一辆汽车、一台真空吸尘器、一份保险单或一个商业计划。你可能相识100个熟人后才找到一个知心朋友。

The Power of Belief


Belief,the greatest power in this world,moves mountains and hurls obstacles aside. It overrides the so-called impossible. It crushes fear. It makes life vital, dynamic, and joyful .The answer to all your sttruggles, to all your defeats ,and to all your hopes as well, is faith-wholehearted ,all out ,enthusiastic faith.

Belief is nothing but a state ,an internal representation that governs behavior. If you believe in success ,you'll be empowered to achieve it .If you believe in failure ,those messages will tend to lead you to lead you to experience that as well .Remember ,whether you say you can do something or you say you can't ,you are right.

be yourself


You are going on a date with someone new;to an interview for a job you really want;to meet your prospective in-laws for the first time,to a posh party where you want to look stunning ,and becaese you want to make a good impression you are nervous and the adrenalin is running high.

Take some long ,deep breaths and just be yourself.

People know when you are putting on airs and graces and trying to be someone you are not.

The best impression you can make is the one you make when you are being your natural self.


honey2005-12-13 14:05:51


Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities!

Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.

Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself ad succeeding .Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade .

Your mind will seek to develop the picture. Do not built up obstacles in your imagination .So not be awestruck by other people and try to copy them.Nobody can be you as efficiently as you can .

Remenber yourself that God is with you and nothing can defeat him.


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-13 14:07:01编辑过]

honey2005-12-14 21:30:35
The Power of Passion


In almost any subject,your passion for the subject will save you. If you care enough for a result ,you will most certainly attain it. If you wish to be good ,you will be good.If you wish to be rich,you will be rich .If you wish to be learned ,you will be learned.Only then you must really wish these things and wish them with exclusiveness and not wish one hundred other incompatible things just as strong.

Even if your ability ,training,and experience are less than others, you can compensate for almost aany lack by dynamic enthusiasm. Enthusiasm can so wonders for you.


honey2005-12-15 22:11:20


It's not necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything.Many successful people live by another useful belief.


They don't believe they ahve to know everything about something in order to use it.They know how to use what's essential without feeling a need to get bogged down in every detail of it.


If you study people who are in power you'll find they have a working knowledge about a lot of things but often have little mastery of each and every detail of their enterprise.

fantasy2006-1-03 21:02:50
Honey ,go on !

u r so good!

honey2006-5-18 08:03:59


Altitude is our viewing point,our perspective. The higher our viewing point, the ore we can see. The more we can see, the more informaation we can have. The more information we have ,the better we can make well-informed decisions.

Attitude is the way we approach things -our point of view. Do you look at life bilities for living in either Adventure-land or Problemville. The choice ,as I've pointed out numerous times ,is yours. The key is attitude.

The connection between attitude and altitude is easy to see. If we have a good attitude, our altitude will lift, and if we have an elevated altitude ,out attitude will rise.


honey2006-5-18 08:06:48
fantasy2006-5-19 19:58:29
honey ,the one --be yourself is so good for us .

tks for all the essay u provided .

honey2006-5-20 20:53:42
Thank you ,fantasy,keep your keen eyes here...you will found more~~
honey2006-5-20 21:09:21


History and biography unite in teaching that circumstances have rarely favored great men. They have fought their way to triumph over the road of difficulty and through all sorts of obstacles . Many poor men were educated by themselves, and advanced,by sheer pluck and perseverance, to distinguished positions in the respoct and esteem of the whole world.

Men who have been bolstered up all their lives are seldom good for anything in a crisis .When misfortune comes, they look around for somebody to lean upon, if the prop is not there, down they go. Once down ,they are helpless as capsized turtles. Many a boy has succeeded beyond all his expectations simply because all props were knoocked out from under him and he was obliged to stand upon his own feet.

It is true that the prime element in character is the power of self-direction, and hence the supreme aim of school discipline is to prepare the young to be self-g-verning men and women.

If you have anything to do , try to do it yourself ,for that is both the surest and the safest way to permanent success. Temember the famous saying, "Heaven helps those who help themselves."


honey2006-5-22 23:28:45


What does loving yourself really mean? It means setting aside special time for yourself each day. It means respexting yourself .Spoiling yourself from time to time . It means discovering your personal talents and giving yourself access to the things you enjoy. It means defending your pointof view when you know you have to .It is a daily process you can use to come to know youself, to be indulgent with yourself

when you discover less than perfect things in your personality or your behavior and lastly it means taking steps to increase the self-esteem you need for your personal growth, Loving yourself knowing that even if things aren't always easy , you've always done the best you could .

When we love ourselves and accept ourselves as we are ,we are not afraid of growing ,learning and changing.


We feel full of life and we have the energy we need to have fun "with our families and to take care of our loved ones. And since children learn by example,parents are the best people to teach them what loving yourself really means.

Today, I accept myself as I am and I am not afraid to change.

Fancy-Teng2006-5-23 11:47:19
HONEY,go on!
honey2006-5-23 20:07:44


I love you not because of who you are ,but because of who I am when I am with you .

No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is ,won't make you cry .Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to ,doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.

Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.

Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person ,we will know how to be grateful . Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened.

There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next.


Make yourself a better person and know who you are begore you try and know someone else and expect them to know you .

Don't try so hard ,the best things come when you least expect them to.

Remember: whatever happens, happens for a reason.

honey2006-5-27 22:02:13


Work is the foundation of all business, the source of all prosperity and the parent of genius. Work can do more to advance a youth than his own parents, be they ever so wealthy . It is represented in the humblest savings and has laid the foundation of every fortune . It is the salt that gives life its savor but it must be lived before it can bestow its greatest blessing and achieve its greatest end. When loved work makes life sweet ,purposeful ,and fruitful.

Know that there is only one certain method of attaining and that is through hard work . If you are unwilling to pay this pri

ce for distinction ,be prepared for a lifetime of mediocrity and poverty.


You may work grudgingly or you may work gratefully ; you may work as a human or you may work as an animal . Still , there is no work so rude that you may not exalt it ; no work so demeaning that you cannot breathe a soul into it; no work dull that may not enliven it.

Always perform all that is asked of you and more . The reward will come.

honey2006-5-28 22:29:04


Recently I took a sheet of paper and divided it into two columns:"Yes People,"and "No People." Then I thought about indiveduals I knew and wrote their names in the appropriate column. What a shock it was to see the length of the "No" list.

These were the people who heard someone say,"You can't do that and they believed it. Now they were saying . "It can't be done !" and their negativity was affecting the lives of others.

If your friends made such a list right now, under which heading would they write your name? Do they see you as enthusiastic, affirmative and optimistic? Or do they believe you see more problems than solutions ?

It's time to knock the "t" off the "can't ." I like the words of wuthor Frank Hughes: "Iwill say this about being an optimist ; even when things don't turn out well ,you are certain they will get better ."

You are only a decision away from responding with hope instead of fear. with encouragement instead of criticism ,with belief instead of despair. It's your choice !


honey2006-5-29 18:32:48


I will never give up if I know it is right. I believe that all the matters will be solved smoothly if I am persistent . Adversity , I will have full of courage and never be discouraged. Nobody will be allowed to make me give up my goals by intimidating and threading me. I will try my best to overcome physical obstacles and frustrations. I will try to reach my goals again and again. Once I know the failures and frustrations the successful men and women have experienced , I will obtain confidence and determination again. I will never yield to failure and despair no matter what challenges I meet.

Today my old skin has become as dust. I will walk tall among men and they will know me not, for today I am a new man with a new life.


Today I make up my mind to begin a new

