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雅思和tofel的口语一直是大家受折磨的原罪,像我这样口语极烂的人更是被惨绝人寰地虐。当初上新东方Jason “golden beach”的例子曾让我惊叹万分:

准备一个golden beach,大部分的ibt part1都能应付,怎么说呢?

将travel就说我去过Miami的golden beach

要讲喜欢的城市我就说海口之类因为有golden beach

谈学校我就说厦门大学,因为有个golden beach

说休闲或holiday我也说golden beach

就算聊童年我也说我的家就在海边,有golden beach




一、Experience in Hangzhou



3.Photograph---like to take photos of scenery---experience in Hangzhou

4.Impressed photos---one photo of the beauty in Hangzhou

5.Happy events---travel with someone in Hangzhou

6.Friend ----know new friend in the youth hotel

7.Park , Garden---the city is a park or the West Lake park.(我不很确定西湖的翻译是啥)

ke/sea/river---the West Lake.

9.Environment---water protection---saw people littering in the Lake or other things. We

should protect the water.

二、beautiful scene in RUC

1.living place---as a students in RUC, I love my beautiful campus.

2.Seasons---different views of seasons in RUC. I like autumn because the scenery

3.Birds---when reading in the morning in the campus, I always here the birds singing.

4.Pet raising---I love pets, usually see people walking dog in the campus, people and pets

can live peacefully.


1.Music instrument---I want learn guitar or I learned guitar

2.Favorite music---country music---play guitar.

3.Performance---guitar performance

4.Friend---a friend of mine plays guitar so well. I saw his excellent performance.

5.Concert---a guitar star’s concert.

6.The skill u want to learn---play guitar

7.The change u want make with yourself---be more outgoing and learn play guitar cause

it’s cool.

四、Van Gogh,sunflower

1.Art---painting---Van Gogh’s masterpiece---the sunflower

2.Country ---the Netherlands----because the painting

3.Favorite color---orange---sunflower


5.艺术品---印有Van Gogh painting的cups一类

五、Bill Gates and his family

1.The family u admired---Bill Gates’ family---fortune/love/charity

2.Famous person---Bill Gates

3.Idol---Bill Gates

4.Distinguished people---Bill Gates

5.Suggestion---the sayings from him. E.g, work hard, play hard

cation---how he teaches his son. Not leaving money to his son.

六、Harry Potter

1.Reading---love novels---Harry Potter

2.Book---- Harry Potter

3.Gift---- Harry Potter---to my sister, English version, Chinese version

4.Way to learn English---read Harry Potter

5.Film--- Harry Potter

七、Romantic wedding


2.film—a love story especially for the wedding


4.magazine---a magazine that talks about kinds of wedding

5.dream---have a romantic wedding

6.impressed picture---a pic took in a wedding

八、 a excellent shopping mall

1.weekend---go to that mall

2.hometown---the landmark is that mall

3.shopping---experience in that shopping mall

4.clothing---buying clothing, see beautiful clothes from the show window---child life

5.seasons---clothes change in the mall.

