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1. 一般情况下,直接加ed。如:visit---visited

2. 以不发音的e结尾,加d。如:live---lived

3. 以辅音字母+y结尾,把y改成i,加ed。如:study---studied

4. 以元音字母+y结尾,直接加ed。如:play---played

5. 重读闭音节结尾的词,双写末尾字母加ed。如:stop---stopped

6. 不规则变化,如:go---went



如:I didn’t go to the park yesterday.

They weren’t free yesterday.



如:Did you go to the park yesterday?Yes,I did./No,I didn’t.

Were they free yesterd ay?Yes,they were./No,they weren’t.


如:What did you see in the zoo?

Who were at home last night?

常用时间状语: yesterday,three months ago,last week/year,in 1990

例句:He always went to work by bus last year.

Han Meimei was in the classroom a moment ago.

When did you meet him?



am,is keep are let become make begin meet bite put blow read buy cost catch run come say ride see cut sing dig sit

do sleep draw speak drink sweep eat take fall teach feed tell feel think fly throw forget understand get give

wake go wear know

win have/has write grow


1.It (be)my birthday last Friday.

2.---Mike (play)computer games yesterday?

---No,he .He (go)to see a film.

3.Jenny (tell)me not to come too near the snake last time.

4.Jenny (milk)a cow last Friday.

st Saturday my mother(go)shopping and (buy)me a skirt.

6.She likes newspapers,but she a book yesterday.(read)

7.My mother (plant)a tree last year.

8. they (sweep) the floor last Friday?No,they .

9.I (not watch)a cartoon yesterday.

10.We (not)go to school yesterday.We (go)to the park.

11.Jack’s father (give)him a present for his birthday.

12. they (visit)the museum last Sunday.

13.---Who (teach)you English last year?

---Mr Chen (do).

14.We (draw)many pictures yesterday.

15.He football now,but he baskteball an hour ago.(play)

16.---When your brother (get)here?

---He (get)here 5 days ago.

17.We all (have)a good time yesterday.

18.---When you (begin)to learn English?

---I (begin)to learn English 5 years ago.

19. you (have)a dog before?

20.My father (not stay)at home yesterday.He (go)to Guangzhou.

21.He (run)fastest on last Sports Day.

22. (be)you tall 3 years ago?

23.I (be not)at home an hour ago,I (be)at school.

24.---When you (take)these photos?

---I (take)them last month.

25.Who (feed)the dog yesterday?


Last year I 1 some apple seeds in a pot.I 2 them every day.The shoots 3 soon The young trees 4 very well.Then I 5 the young apple trees in my garden in front
