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Unit 1

1、What makes a good language teacher?

Some people with an excellent command of a foreign language may not be able to teach the language well while others with a general command of the language can teach it very effectively. Therefore, what makes a good language teacher? A good english teacher should have ethic devotion, certain desirable personal styles, and more importantly, he or she should have necessary professional qualities. These three qualities constitutes the professional competence of a good english teacher. A person who has a good command of english is not necessarily a good teacher because he has only one of the elements of professional competence.

2、how can one be a good english teacher?

The most important and most difficult part of the making of a good english teacher is the development of professional competence, which is the state or quality of being adequately qualified for the profession, and armed with a specific range of skills, ability, knowledge and strategies.

Ideally, a teacher should be able to attain his or her professional competence after some period of practice and reflection. However, professional competence as an ultimate goal does not seem to have an end. With the ever-deeping of our understanding of teaching and learning, and with the ever changing needs of the society, of education, of students and of the teaching requirements, one must keep on learning, practicing and reflecting.

Unit 2

The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable students to use the foreign language in work or life when necessary. Thus we should teach that part of the language that will be used in the real world. However, this is not always the case in foreign language teaching. Very often there is a big gap between the language used in real life and the language learned in classrooms. One possible solution to bridge the gap between classroom language teaching and real-life language use is the adoption of communicative language teaching. The goal of CLT is to develop student’s communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.

5 components of communicative competence:

linguistic competence:it refers to the language itself. It involves spelling,

pronunciation,vocabulary, word formation, grammatical structure, sentence structure and semantics.

pragmatic competence:it means the appropriate use of the language

discourse competence:

strategic competence


In communicative classroom, a great deal of time is spent on managing learning, setting up activities, organizing resources, guiding student’s in pair or group work.

To conclude, it is important to remember that a method is effective only when it is appropriate to the teaching context. Therefore, when a new method emerges, it is unwise to simply cast away the traditional and follow the new trend. The best thing to do is to develop one’s own teaching methods based on the context and integrates the merits of different methodologies.
