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nmoorsthtleyrcnommoesst pinartthoef ftohremEoafrth.
TsnhoewA. rTchtiec Acorcntsicis'stsaonfntuhael Arctic
Oprceecaipnitantiodnpiasrtlosw, with most of
othfeCaarneaadrae,cReuivsinsgial,etshse tUhannited
approximately −68
°C (−90 °F).
Susan Butcher won the Iditarod Sled Dog Race four times and has beaten death many times.
It tells the dangerous experience that Susan and her sled dogs fought with a female moose.
S50tactems ((2A0laisnk).aH),iDghenwminadrsk o(Gfterene
nstliarnudp),sNnoorw,acyr,eSawtinegdethne, Filliunslaionn
dof, aconndtiIncueolaunsds. nTohwefaAlrl.cAticverage
It tells how Susan and her sled dogs managed to mush across 40 miles of dangerous sea ice. It restates that Susan and her sled dogs managed to overcome difficulties and win races.
Lesson 1
Arctic Adventure
• The Arctic's climate is
• TchhaeraAcrtcetriicze(/dˈɑbryktcɪko/ldorw/iˈnɑtretrɪsk/)
iasnad pcoloalrsruemgimonerlos.caPtreedciaptittahteion
1. How to deal with this difficult question? 2. The problem should be dealt with quickly.
6. be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事
7. set a new time (world) record 源自文库造新的时间(世界)记录
2. Call … to a (quick) halt/call a halt to sth.
Eg. • 1. When they had almost reached the robbers’ camp, the officer
called the police patrol to a halt. • 2. The government called a halt to the project.
Language points
1.not only…,but also…
a. not only 在句首,后接两个并列分句时,“前倒后不倒”!即:Not only 部倒装(注意是部分倒装,不是全倒装),but also部分不倒装。
1. Not only is the son fond of watching cartoons, but the parents take great interest in them. 2. Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily.
b. 连接并列主语(若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一 致。)、并列宾语、并列谓语或并列地点状语时则不用倒装。
1. Not only she but also her husband does housework on weekends. 2. Not only you but also he has to leave. 3. Eric not only speaks but also writes well in English. 4. They speak English not only in class but also in the dormitory.
1.Jack thought optimistically that he would win the race easily. 2. He has an optimistic attitude towards their future.
5. deal with = to succeed in solving a problem 处理, 应付
Eg. • 1. He sat in the armchair,reading a newspaper. • 2. The girl was left alone in the room, weeping bitterly.
4. optimistically (adv.)乐观地 optimistic (adj.)
• halt: n. a stop or pause in one’s progress 暂停,止步 • come to a halt vi. 停止 • bring something to a halt 使…停止
3. A cow moose stood blocking the trail ahead. • 现在分词短语作伴随状语。
rweignitoenr tceomnpseisrtastuorfeasvcaasnt,bicee-as
cloowvearsed−4o0ce°anC, (s−u4rr0o°unFd)e,danbdy trheeecleosldsepsetrrmecaofrrodsetd(如极地的)
永tem久p冻er土atu. re is