必修五Unit5 first aid 教案

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Teaching procedures (40min)

I. Lead-in(5min)

Ask students to look at the picture of Pre-reading and give the answers to Exercises1&2 and what they should do. Give students some burns numbers to show

the importance of learning some knowledge of burns.


Show students learning objectives: 1. to know more about the words and expressions of FIRST AID FOR BURNS; 2. to improve the abilities of reading; 3. to learn how to treat different types of burns.


Play a game to finish the first learning objective. Divide the whole class into 6 groups. Which group gives the right meaning of the words, and which group will get 1 point.

设计意图:通过小组PK形式进行词汇检测,在阅读前,扫清阅读障碍。II. Reading (24min)

Step2 : Scanning(10min)

Ask students to read paragraph1&2, functions of skin and causes of burns, in 5 minutes and finish Task2.

Task2: Read para.1&2 and then answer the question

➢Functions of skin:

What are the functions of skin?

A. Protect you against disease, poisons, and the sun’s harmful rays

B. Keep you warm or cool and prevent your body from losing too much water

C. Give you your sense of touch

D. All of A, B and C

Suggested answer: D

➢Causes of burns:


Suggested answers: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, chemical Ask students to read paragraph3&4, types of burns and characteristics of burns, in 5 minutes and label these pictures first, second and third degree and then match its characteristics.

Task3: Read para.3&4 and then finish the task3

➢ Types of burns:

Suggested answers: second degree burns, first degree burns, third degree burns ➢ Characteristics of burns:

Suggested answer: 213


Step3 : Careful reading (12min )

Ask students to read paragraph5, first aid treatment, in 8 minutes. Pay attention to distinguish what we should do and what we shouldn ’t do, then summarize first aid treatments: Dos and Don ’ts.

Task4: Read para.5 and then fill in the blanks.

● rough, red and swollen ● blisters

● watery surface ● extremely painful ● dry, red and mildly swollen ● mildly painful

● turn white when pressed ● black and white and charred

● swollen; often tissue under them can be seen

little or no pain if nerves are damaged; may be pain around edge of injured area.

Suggested answers:

Dos: Remove/Take off, Cool, Place, Dry, Cover, keep…higher, get…to

Don’ts: remove, icy, third, rub, put


III. Consolidation(3min)

Ask students review what we have learned today, and summarize the text by drawing a mind map.


IV. Discussion (7min)

Give an example of first aid treatment for burns, and judge whether the first aid treatment is right or wrong. If the treatment is right, write R. If the treatment is wrong,
