2019届高三英语 单句短文改错错题集

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1.To our surprises, we found the streets were not as wide as that in our city.

2.It began at 2 p.m. and last about two and a half hours.

3.The performers did very well on their speeches

4.Not only was her pronunciation good and but she also used some funny stories to make her points.

5.This was clear that she had made good preparations for the contest.

6.The coat was too large and it didn't look the same as describing online.

7.He got in touch with the salesgirl and told her that she should exchange it free of the charge. 8.I like the slowly changed colors of the trees.

9.I also like the sound they make under my foot.

10.Sometimes I studied the leaves in science classes. Once in while I used them to make a nature print.

11.Later, I decided to get serious about school and made a little changes.

12.How exciting! It seems to myself that being smart is simply a matter of making efforts and being interested.

13.I've collected and read over 20 different book versions of Mulan, seen all the Mulan movies and attend play performances twice.

14.We need to master some communication skills in a competitive society, which means paying attention to other's opinions is more important than expressing one's own words.

15.A talkative person without hearing others contributes to fail to be popular. However, listening can really benefit yourself. (more than one mistake)

16.I managed to answer all the questions given by the judges because I had made good preparation for it.

17.My friend Anni, whose art appcars in some magazines, worked as an artist since graduation. 18.A step-by-step plan by another friend made cartooning seems simple, so I tried it.

19.He was hurried going to attend his sick mother in hospital. (more than one mistake)

20.I owe my great thanks to my neighbor Jackie, he is a person ready to help the others at any time (more than one mistake)

21.She is now earning 70,000 dollar a year as an engineer.

22.I'm the type of person who loves to help out in the community, and most of all, want to achieve a career because I love it.

23.I'd rather to follow my dreams and create my own future.

24.Every time my mother and I start to have a conversation, it turns into an argue.

25.All of sudden, a man came running towards me, dragging his suitcase.

26.It seemed he was late, running to catch his flight. I immediately moved out from the way. 27.Today when I think about the things I'm thankful, family always tops the list.

28.From this task I discovered I was better in other things, like writing and playing the piano. 29.What we try in school as kids often helps us figure what we want to do when we grow up. 30.I skim the week newspaper and cut out articles that I think are interesting and of high qutdity. 31.Although we had to carry loads of stuff from one place to next, we still had time to get in to the music and have some fun.

32.I'd never heard of lots of the bands and singers before, but I'll be tried to get familiar with
