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Unit 1 Getting along with others

1.get along (well) with others 和某人相处、进展(好0

2.practise doing 练习做某事

3.make friends with sb 和某人交朋友

4.develop a friendship with sb 发展友谊

5.be worth doing sth 值得做某事

6.feel betrayed by sb 觉得被某人出卖

7.primary school 小学middle school/ secondary school 中学

8.sb spend some time/money (in) doing/on sth 某人花费时间、金钱做某事

9.be proud of/ take pride in对….感到自豪

10.fail to do sth 没做成某事

11.feel like sth/ doing想要某物/想要做某事

12.be ashamed of sth感到羞耻,感到惭愧

13.pretend to do sth 假装做某事

14.be determined to do sth决心做某事

15.admit sth/ doing/ that承认某事/承认做

16.promise sb to (not) do sth 答应某人(不)做某事

17.spy on 暗中监视,侦察

18.keep one's word信守诺言keep one's secret保守秘密

19.be shocked to do sth 震惊做某事

20.a piece of paper 一张纸

21.go straight to 径直走到…


23.tease sb = make fun of sb =laugh at sb 嘲笑某人

24.focus on sth=concentrate on sth注意力集中于某事

25.stop doing sth 停下来做某事(同一件事)stop to do sth 停下来去做某事(另外一件事)

26.have an important match against others 和其他人对决一场重要的比赛

27.keep pace with sb (与…)步调一致,同步

28.as a result of 结果…

29.be angry with sb 对某人生气

30.apologize to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉

31.can't stand doing sth不能忍受…can't help doing sth 忍不住、情不自禁做某事

32.be good at sth/ doing sth 擅长做某事

33.lie wth 在于

34.sb be to blame for sth 某人对某事负责

35.had better do sth 最好做某事

36.avoid doing sth 避免做某事

37.It seems likely that.. 似乎

38.sb be likely to do sth 某人可能要做某事

39.feel jealous of sth 对某物、某事感到羡慕

40.be gifted at sth对某事有天赋


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41.before long 不久

42.stay up 熬夜

43.help sb with sth= help sb do sth帮助某人做某事

44.have no doubt 没有疑问

45.be worried about sth= worry about sth 对某事感到担心

46.be strict with sb in sth对某人在某方面严格

47.have nothing to do but do sth 没有什么事可做只能做…

48.move from New York to London从纽约搬到伦敦

49.persuade sb to do/ into doing 劝说某人做某事

50.speak of 谈及,说到

51.can't wait to do sth迫不及待的做某事

52.invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事

53.why not do…为什么不…

54.look forward to sth/ doing sth期待做某事

55.put off sth/ doing sth推迟某事/推迟做某事

56.create a new identity创立新的身份

57.stop/discourage sb from doing sth阻止做某事

58.have fun with sb和某人玩的愉快

59.considering doing sth 考虑做某事

60.the answer to the question 问题的答案

61.in advance 事先,提前

62.for the first time 第一次

63.get through ( to sb) 接通电话

64.ask for help 求助

65.aside from 除...以外

66.on (the) one hand……on the other hand一方面……另一方面

67.agree with sb on/that 同意某人的(观点、做法)

68.have an effect on sth对….有影响

69.be absorbed in sth专心致志的做某事

70.different attitudes towards friendship 关于友谊的不同态度

71.have an attitude towards/ to sb/sth 对某人/某事的态度

72.be consistent with sth和….一致

73.in the world究竟

74.hesitate to do sth / hesitate at/ over sth 做某事犹豫

75.be anchored in sth 扎根于…起源于…

76.be eager to do sth 渴望做某事
