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1). How do you feel when you walk on the street and see a disabled person?

I feel pity towards those who are disabled. I wonder how they can manage in their daily life and whether they have a job. I feel lucky that I am not disabled. 2). Do you know anyone who is disabled? If you do, talk about him/her.

Yes. My aunt is deaf and dumb. She has been like this since her childhood. My grandmother said that she became deaf because of taking the wrong medicine. She is now more than seventy years old and she has never been married. She was very kind to me. In fact it was she who brought me up. She often felt it unfair because she couldn’t hear. But she is very intelligent, and she is good at sewing. She sometimes kidded /teased me with gestures that she wanted to cut off her ears because they couldn’t work.


1) .Do you agree that men and women seldom mean the same things even when they use the same words? Are there any examples in your daily life that may support your point of view?

Possible Answer: I agree with this point of view. A lady heard frequently to say: taoyan (detestable) doesn’t mean she hates something heartily. Sometimes she says this only to express her embarrassment or shy. When a man uses the same word, his hatred for something is real.

2).Besides the gender difference, are there any other differences that may cause people to speak differently?

Possible Answer: People speak differently because of their differences in career, education, age, religion, class, race, geographical background.


1.What’s your understanding of winning?

1) Make the whole class into different groups and each group should offer their understanding of winning. For example,

-winning means being happy,

-winning means being No.1 or one of the best in your field,

-winning means being able to overcome great difficulties that others can’t,

2 .Who are the winners in your eyes?

Ask students to describe successful figures in their eyes and try to let them to tell the winners’ experience or stories.

Example: I think Helen Keller is a winner. Even though she became blind and deaf at a very early age, she didn’t give up. With the help of her teacher, she became a teacher, writer and lecturer. She couldn’t see or hear, but she learned to read and write by touch and feel. Helen also learned several foreign languages: French, German, Latin and Greek. Helen always wanted to try what others could do.

3. Factors Accounting for Success

Have the students list all factors accounting for success as they know and give their own reasons.


1) Diligence can help you remove ignorance, overcome difficulties and enlighten your minds. If you fritter away your time now, your future life will be a failure, and you will accomplish nothing. If you are diligent now, you will surely be successful in the future.


1.When you have any health problems, will you always go to the doctor? If so, what do you expect from the doctor?

When i feel uncomfortable,i aways go to the doctor to see whether i have health problems or not.after the doctor check out my body carefully .sometimes i need is some reassurance that all will be well.this indeed release my anxiety a lot.

Unit 5
