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1、Abrupt junction approximation (突变结近似)

The assumption that there is an abrupt discontinuity in space charge density between the space charge region and neutral semiconductor region.


2、Depletion layer approximation (耗尽层近似)

The number of carriers is almost zero due to the strong built-in electric field in the space charge region, that the charge in the space charge region is almost completely provided ionized impurity, this space charge region is called depletion layer.


3、Built-in electric field (内建电场)

An electric field due to the separation of positive and negative space charge densities in the depletion region.


4、Built-in potential harrier (内建电势差)

The electrostatic potential difference between the p and n regions of a pn junction in thermal equilibrium.


5、Depletion region/space charge region/barrier region (耗尽区,空间电荷区,势垒区)The region on either side of the metallurgical junction in which there is a net charge density due to ionized donors in the n-region and ionized acceptors in the p region.

冶金结两侧由于n区内施主电离和p区内受主电离而形成的带净正电与负电的区域。详:pn结界面两侧半导体中的载流子由于存在浓度差梯度而互相向对方区域扩散,在pn 结界面附近n区与p区分别留下了不可动的电离施主和电离受主杂质离子,分别带有正负电荷,形成空间电荷区,在该区域中建立有电场,形成电位差,产生相应的势垒,因此pn结空间电荷区又称为pn结势垒区,在势垒区中载流子浓度趋于0,即载流子基本“耗尽”,因此又称为“耗尽层”。

6、Depletion layer capacitance / junction capacitance/barrier capacitance(耗尽层电容,结电容,势垒电容)

The capacitance of the pn junction under reverse bias.


7、Diffusion capacitance (扩散电容)

The capacitance of a forward-biased pn junction due to minority carrier storage effects.



8、Diffusion conductance (扩散电导)

The ratio of a low-frequency, small-signal sinusoidal current to voltage in a forward-biased pn junction.


9、Diffusion resistance (扩散电阻)

The inverse of diffusion conductance. The ratio of a low-frequency, small-signal sinusoidal

voltage to current in a forward-biased pn junction.


10、Space charge width (空间电荷区宽度)

The width of the space charge region, a function of doping concentrations and applied voltage. 空间电荷区延伸到p区与n区内的距离,它是掺杂浓度与外加电压的函数。

11、Hyperabrupt junction (超突变结)

A pn junction in which the doping concentration on one side decreases away from the metallurgical junction to achieve n specific capacitance-voltage characteristic.


12、Linearly graded junction (线性缓变结)

A pn junction in which the doping concentrations on either side of the metallurgical junction are approximated by a linear distribution.


13、Metallurgical junction (冶金结)

The interface between the p- and n-doped regions of a pn junction.


14、One-sided junction (单边突变结)

A pn junction in which one side of the junction is much more heavily doped than the adjacent/other side.



15、Varactor diode (变容二极管)

A diode whose reactance can be varied in a controlled manner with bias voltage.


16、Avalanche breakdown (雪崩击穿)

The process whereby a large reverse-bias pn junction current is created due to the generation of electron-hole pairs by the collision of electrons and/or holes with atomic electrons within the space charge region.



17、Tunnel breakdown (隧道击穿/齐纳击穿)

Maybe top of the valence band of the p region is higher than the bottom of conduction band of the n region with the reverse bias voltage increases in heavily doped pn junction. The electrons in valence band of the p region can directly reach the conduction band of the n region through the band gap by tunnel effect, to become the carrier in the conduction band. When the reverse
