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“Nuwa created man".
However, scientists research
shows that human is by apes,
namely the primitive
evolved through millions of
Class Two 郑婷玉
引言 Introduce
我们站在历史长河边展 望未来。我们的国家 有着五千年的厚重历 史,这让身为中国人 的我们无比自豪。但 在我们缓速发展的同 时,在地球的另一端, 另一个文明飞速发展 着。今天,我们就来 讨论一下中西方文化 起源及历史发展。
• We are standing on the shore of the historical river and looking into the future. Our country has five thousand years history, and we are proud of it. However, during our develop slowly, on the other side of the earth, another civilization develop rapidly. Today, let’s discuss about the origin of Chinese and western culture and history development.
• In 1928 of anyang xiaotun Yin of the cultural heritage, the bronze ware, jade,.chinese bone artifacts and bei, showed a bustling city three thousand years ago, her civilization at that time should be the champions of the world. The discovery of the oracle, more let the busy into a text that would become the past. We can imagine PanGeng moved the consistency; The scripts for three years not language, blockbuster, contribute to shang dynasty zte achievements; The scripts, son of the king zu geng for fete mother cast "SiMuWu big square", the raven luster permanently with her ancient ancestors wisdom and skills of reiki; Overcome the scripts, the wife of fu hao rate levied thousands of miles, galloping battlefield, pioneering territory.
hunting. After they disappeared,
his relatives, the European society
类的祖先智人,开始飞速 进化。
of human ancestors, homo sapiens, began to rapid evolution.
of the ancestors of modern Europe,
距今12万年前统治着欧洲, in ruled Europe about 120000
但ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้两万四千年前他们却 消失了。他们有着较为完 整的文化而且会使用道具
years ago, but in twenty-four thousand before they disappear. They have relatively complete culture and will use props for
• 在我们祖先奋力生存进化 • When our ancestors struggled to
survive the evolution, on the other
人走向了另一条进化的路 线,他们就是尼人,也就 是尼安德特人。他们是现
side of the earth of the primitive to another evolution route, they are people, also is the Neanderthals. They are Cousins
• 铜器的出现和使用是人类史上有决定意义的大事之一,有 了铜器,人类才真正进入了文明的殿堂。中国夏商青铜文 化就是早期文明的代表,这些锈蚀斑驳的铜器,穿越4000 多年的风云向后人展示远古的荣光。
• The appearance of bronze and use is one of the events in the history of mankind have decisive, with copper, human truly into the palace of the civilization. Xia shang bronze culture in China is the representative of the early civilizations, these bronze corrosion mottled, through 4000 years of wind and cloud show posterity ancient glory.
• 黄河文明的形成期大体在公元前4000年至公元前2000年之间, 前后经历了两千年之久。黄河文明的发展期是它的升华阶段。 从时代来说主要是夏、商、周三代。这时的黄河文明主要凝 聚在黄河中下游的大中原地区,以今天的河南省为核心,大 中原地区文化即中原文化是黄河文明的中心。
The formation of the Yellow River civilization in general between 4000 BC to 4000 BC, has experienced two thousand years before and after. The development of the Yellow River civilization is the sublimation stage. From age for main is three generation of xia, shang and zhou. At this time of the Yellow River civilization mainly condensation in large, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in the central plains in today's henan province as the core, the central plains culture is the culture is the center of the Yellow River civilization.
• 1928年对安阳小屯殷文化遗地的发掘,那些青铜器、玉器、牙雕骨器 和贝币,向人们展示了三千年前一座繁华的古城,她的文明程度在当 时应为世界之冠。甲骨文的发现,更让这繁华成为有文字史可证的往 昔的真实。我们可以想象盘庚迁都的坚毅;武丁三年不语,一鸣惊人, 促成商朝中兴的伟业;武丁之子祖庚为祭祀母亲而铸就的“司母戊大 方鼎”,那乌亮的光泽永久地闪现着古代先民智慧与技巧的灵气;武 丁的妻子妇好率千军征万里,驰骋沙场,开拓疆土。
• The Chinese civilization originated from the Yellow River basin, is a typical continental civilization, agriculture, commerce, and the unity of the qin and han dynasties in China has experienced a long period, stable, and the ruling class to centralization and promoting Confucianism stabilisation policy, to the masses of the Chinese people of han nationality, the identity of the world series. A unified civilization, and a natural development of the regional autonomy of civilization circle trajectory nature is different.
• 中国古代文明起源的过程,乃是一个由多 元连接成的相互作用圈逐步演变为以黄河 流域和长江流域为主体、并以中原为核心 的多元一体格局。
• 中华文明源于黄河流域,是典型的大陆文明,重农耕、轻商贸,中国 秦汉时期经历了相当长时期的统一、稳定,以及统治阶级不遗余力的 中央集权和大力推广儒教等维稳政策,导致广大华夏子民对汉民族、 对天下一统的认同感根深蒂固。一个大一统的文明,和一个自然发展
祖先—— 直立人。此后, years. In 1.8 million ~ 1.8
million years ago on the
mainland, the life of our
合繁衍,形成了早期部落。 ancestors, homo erectus.
目录 Manu
• 一.原始时期 • 二.文明起源 • 三.历史发展 • 五.近现代发展分歧节点 • 六.反思及结论
起源 China
• 在我国神话中,人类第一 • In Chinese mythology, the
human first appeared in
随着人类进化,人类文明也随之发展,但 由于地形,气候,人种的各方面差异,人 类文明也显示出鲜明的不同,欧洲地形平 坦多岛屿,气候湿润,逐渐出现爱琴海文 明;而亚洲多内陆,地域广阔,多河流, 形成了独特的大河文明,其中最具有代表 性的就是恒河文明以及黄河文明。
As human evolution, also with the development of human civilization, but because of the terrain, climate, the difference of various aspects, human civilization also shows a sharp, flat terrain more European island, humid climate, appear the Aegean civilization gradually; While the Asian inland, vast territory, many rivers, formed the unique river civilization, one of the most representative is the Ganges river and the Yellow River civilization.
Since then, our ancestors
evolved, integration with
other types of the primitive,
formed the early tribe. The
most famous is cavemen,
man, and from Beijing.