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Unit one:

Text A:

How to Be successful Language Learner?

1.succeed in doing something.

2.Disagree with somebody.

3.The watch has a two-year guarantee.



6.Sheis similar in temper to her mother.

7.When you begin to make money you can

live a life of independence.


What a piece of work is a man !How noble in reason!How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable!In action how like an angle!In apprehension how like a god! Man is the elite of the universe.


Man,actually all the reasoning person,exists because man itself is a purpose but not a tool used by this or that will;hence,in all his action,man is regarded as a purpose.


——康德The road of life is like a long river,because of the power of the currents,river courses appear unexpectedly where is no flowing water.

人生的道路就像一条大河,由于激流本身的冲击力,在从前没有水流的地方,冲出崭新的意料不到的河流。——泰戈尔Life is changing all the

time ,whichis the decline of human body ,theweakness and extension of the soul.

所谓人生,是一刻不停的变化着。就是肉体生命的衰落和灵魂生活的弱化,扩大。——托尔斯泰To me ,lifeis not a “short candle power”.life is a magnificent torch held by me.I will light it brightly and pass it down to the later generation.

对我来说,人生不是什么“短暂的烛光”。人生就是由我此时此刻举着的辉煌灿烂的火把,我要把它烧的极其明亮,然后递交给我们的后代。——萧伯纳Life is like an onion:

you peel it off one layer at a time ,and sometimes you weep.

人生像一个洋葱;你只能一层地把它剥开,有时你还得流泪。——桑德伯格Youth is the early spring,the morning sun ,the flowing of river ,a sharp blade used on a new whetstone and the most precious time of life.To society youth is like new cells in a body.青春是初春,像朝阳,像百花之萌动,像锋利的刀片,人生最宝贵的时期,犹新鲜活泼细胞在身。

——陈独秀The world is yours,so is ours ,but in the final analysis,it is yours.the you are as vigorous as the moring sun at eight or nine.hopes are placed on you.

世界是你们的,也是我们的,但是归根结底是你们的,你们青年人朝气蓬勃,好像八九点的太阳,希望寄托在你们身上。——毛泽东Refusal of all over love because of marriage means lessening feelings ,sympathyand opportunities to contact valuable persons.from the viewpoint of ideal,it is destroying the best thing in life.


从最理想的观点出发,这是在摧残人生中最美好的东西。——罗素You can rember the second and the third and the fourth time,but there’s on time like the first.it’s always there.


I don’t know that you wa nt or what I am!You write to me like a lover,you treat me like a casual acquaintance!

我不知道你要什么,也不知道我是什么!你给我写情书的时候就像是个情人,可面对我时却像是个邂逅着!——华顿A man snatches the first kiss,pleads for the second,demands



——雨果the third,takes the fourth,accepts the fifth-and endures all the On heaven ,we’d be two lovebirds flying wing to wing,on earth,two trees with branches twined from spring

在天愿为比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。——白居易In the ruby I put all my love. Hoping your heart will be like my heart.


If the first law of friendship is that it must be cultivated,the second one is when the first law is ignored,one must be tolerant.


