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Paint their minds充实他们的头脑

And guide their thoughts引领他们的思想

Share their achievements分享他们的成就

and advise their faults 忠告他们的错误

Inspire a Love

Of knowledge and truth 是您启发我们对知识和真理的追求

As you light the path

Which leads our youth

For our future brightens是您把我们的未来点亮

With each lesson you teach 您的每一堂课

Each smile you lengthen 您的每一次微笑

Each goal you help reach 您帮我们设定的每一个目标

For the dawn of each poet 都为我们点亮心中的黎明

Each philosopher and king 无论你有多么渊博的知识

Begins with a Teacher 无论你有多么高的地位

And the wisdom they bring. 都离不开老师对我们的谆谆教诲

Warm thoughts of love

and regards to our loving teachers. 今天对敬爱的老师献上我们的爱与关怀It's your day, Teacher. 老师,在属於您的日子里

Happy Teacher's Day. 祝您教师节快乐
