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Unit 1基本句型What classes do you have?你上什么课?Can you go to each class without passing any class twice?你能在不经过一个班两次的情况下进入每个班吗?

How far is your route in steps?你步行的路有多远

On which class is nearest to the Music class?哪个班离音乐教室最近?I like Math.我喜欢数学。

What is a best friend?什么样的朋友是最好的?

What’s your favorite subject?你最喜欢什么学科?

Music is my favorite subject音乐是我最喜欢的学科?

Unit 2基本句型When is your birthday?什么时候是你的生日?On which day is your birthday?哪天是你的生日?

Who will be there?谁会去那?

We’ll have a good time.我们玩得很开心。

Unit 3基本句型: What was the weather like yesterday?

昨天天气怎么样?It was windy风天

It was sunny all the time.天总是晴朗的。

Did you go anywhere?你去哪了?

No, I stayed at home不,我呆在家里。

Yes, I went to Zhongshan Park.是的,我去了中山公园。Unit 4基本句型: How far is it from Xidan to Wangfujing


You should turn left/right你应该左转/右转。

You should go straight on你应该直走。

Excuse me. Can you tell me how far it is from Xidan street to Ditan Park?打扰了,你能告述我从西单街到地摊公园多远?It’s about 8 kilometers大约8千米。

How long does it take by taxi?乘出租花费多长时间?

You are welcome不用客气

Unit 5基本句型: Have you finished your homework ?你完成作业了吗?No, I haven’t不,还没有。

Don’t worry! I’ve got a helper别担心,我有个帮手。What’s he called?他被叫做什么?

He’s called “Robot”他被叫做“机器人”。

Is he helping you do homework?他正在帮你做作业吗?

Have you got a robot to help you?你有个机器人帮你吗?

It looks like a lizard它看起来像一条蜥蜴。

Unit 6基本句型: What’s it like?它像什么?

What does it sound like?它听起来像什么?

It sounds like a dog它听起来像只狗。

What does it feel like?它感觉起来像什么?

It feels like wool.它感觉起来像羊毛。

One more time, please请再来一起。

Which sandwich do you like?你喜欢哪种三明治?

Unit 7基本句型: This is the house where we live这是我们住的房子。What’s your house like?你的房子像什么?Does it have a kitchen?它有厨房吗?

I can’t remember where I put my envelopes.我记不起来我把信封放哪里了。

Which is William’s holiday house?哪个是威廉姆度假的房子?One of the numbers is less than five.其中一个数小于五。Unit 8基本句型: Time went by quickly时间飞快

Fire was first used 500,000 BC by Peking man公元前50万年北京人使用了火

The old London Bridge was built between 1176 and 1209.旧的伦敦桥在1176年到1209年建造。

What’s the time?几点了?It’s six o’clock六点了。

It’s twenty past four.4:20It’s a quarter to ten.差15分十点It’s half past nine.9:30

When does she usually have her breakfast?它通常几点吃早餐?

Unit 9基本句型:Shall we go camping next year? 明年我们去野营好吗?Which summer camp would you like to go to? 你想参加哪个夏令营?What shall we do? 我们应该做什么? What do camels eat? 骆驼吃什么?

How does a computer work? 电脑是怎么运行的?

What does “science” mean? Science 是什么意思?Where are the pyramids? 金字塔在哪儿?

Why am I short? 为什么我这么矮?

What would you like to know? 你想了解什么?

Anything was better than doing nothing. 做什么都比无事可做好。

Unit 10基本句型:

Have you ever been to a science museum?你去过科技馆吗?Which exhibit do you like best? 你最喜欢那个展览?

Did you have a good time there? 你在那里玩得开心吗?Where does the light come from?光来自哪里?

I haven’t seen you for ages? 我好久没见你了。

Unit 11基本句型:

Look carefully at these things. 仔细看看这些东西。What’s special about them? 它们有什么特殊的?

What’s it made of? 它是什么做的?

It’s made of plastic. 它是塑料做的。

How about that one? 那一件呢?

It’s too light. 它太轻了。

Unit 12基本句型:
