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项目成员:袁桃学号: 123921048 项目成员:颉涛学号: 123921054 项目成员肖青学号: 123921025 项目成员冯锦融学号: 123921011 项目成员唐敏学号: 123921023

2014 年 12月


摘要 (5)

Absract (7)

一.课程设计目的 (9)

二.课程设计方案 (9)

三.实验所需器材 (9)

四.课程设计内容 (9)

4.1 STM32模块 (9)

4.2 AM2302的介绍 (11)

4.2.1 产品概述 (11)

4.2.2 应用范围 (12)

4.2.3 产品亮点 (12)

4.2.4 单总线接口定义 (12)

4.2.5 传感器性能 (13)

4.2.6 单总线通信 (13)

4.3 Nokia 5110介绍 (15)

4.3.1 SPI接口时序写数据/命令 (15)

4.3.2 显示汉字 (16)

4.3.3 显示图形 (16)

4.4 原理图设计 (16)

4.5 PCB板设计 (18)

五.试验软件设计 (18)

5.1 温湿度传感器DHT22的程序 (18)

5.2 温湿度显示程序 (22)

5.3 主函数程序 (23)

六.作品实物展示 (32)

七.设计总结 (33)

基于STM 32 的温湿度检测



关键词:嵌入式技术,电路设计,STM32,AM2302温湿度采集,Nokia5110 显示屏,程序设计


In the design of the curriculum implements a smart temperature and humidity detection system based on STM32F103VET6, the purpose is to realize the acquisition and display of the temperature and humidity, temperature and humidity of the acquisition as a must master in automation science detection technology, is also a practical technology. This experiment mainly made the following several aspects work: first of all, based on the real-time, accuracy, economy and expansibility etc. After analysis and comparison of four directions, STM32F103VE micro-controller as the master control chip and AM2303 temperature and humidity sensors to achieve temperature and humidity data acquisition; On the Nokia5110 screen display the temperature and humidity, and then introduces in detail the working principle of each module and the hardware circuit design, realized the real-time accurate measurement of temperature and humidity data; Elaborated the system after each part of the software design idea; Finally, the system in the practical application of dealing with the data collected, analyzed the reasons of the error, and through the piecewise linear interpolation algorithm for system of nonlinear error calibration, compared with not calibration data, after calibration data with higher accuracy and better stability.

Keywords: embedded technology, circuit design, STM32, collecting AM2302 temperature and humidity, Nokia5110 display, the program design
