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1. 当别人用Good afternoon 跟你问好,你应该回答:______

A .Good afternoon.

B .Good morning.

2. 选出适合的答案。

① Point to the door. ________ A. 指向窗户。

② Point to the window. ________ B. 指向椅子。

③ Point to the chair. ________ C. 指向黑板。

④ Point to the blackboard. ________ D. 指向桌子。

⑤ Point to the desk. ________ E. 指向门。

3. 开学第一天,Amy 向老师和同学这样介绍自己:__________

A. Hello, I'm Amy.

B. Hello, Amy.

4. -----Good morning, Miss Green.


A. Good morning .

B. This is Miss Green .

C. I’m boy.

5. 选出正确的翻译

1、Look at the pig.( )

A .看那只狗。

B .看那只猪。

2、What’s this?( )

A .这是什么?

B .这是一头猪?

3、It’s a bear.( )

A .它是一只鸭子。

B .它是一只熊。

6. _______ A. zoo B. school 7. I have two ________ . A .heades B .feet C .leg 8. ---Mom, can I have some milk? ---__________ A. Thank you. B. You’re welcome. C. Sure, here you are. 9. Do you like autumn? Yes, I _______. A. do B. like

10.哪个字母代表“注册商标”?( )

A .E

B .R

C .Z

班级_______________ 座号______ 姓名_______________ 分数_______________


11.同学告诉你I like yellow ,你跟他喜欢一样的颜色,你可以说:( )

A. Sure.

B. Me too.

12.—What's this?

—It's an _________.

A .fish

B .ice cream

C .juice

13._____ is my jacket. A. She B. He C. It

14.Mike: Can I have some milk?

Sarah: __________________

A .Thank you.

B .You’re welcome.

C .Sure, here you are.

D .I like milk.

15.请从B 栏中找出A 栏的答语,并将其代号填入相应的括号内。



1. you are how today

_________________________ _________________________

2. this is what

_________________________ _________________________

3. a It desk is

_________________________ _________________________


18.________, Lingling. body hand nose

ear mouth leg

nose leg hand mouth

body ear foot arm

eye mouth body arm: 1 mouth: eye: body: foot:



(1)Good morning. ——————————————

(2)What’s your name?——————————————

(3)How are you? ——————————————

(4)Let’s make a puppet.——————————————

(5)Nice to meet you.

20.This is a ________(女人).


1.DEER ____________

2.LEOPARD ______________

3.LOVELY ______________

4.WHAT _______________


This is my father's father. He's my ________.


1. p__r__y()

2. a__ __()

3. __e__r()

4. d__ __ce()

5. s__ __g()

6. id__ __()

24.读一读, 将单词的序号填到相应的圆圈内。
