语言学 名词解释

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1、Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.

2、Phonology is the study of the sound systems of language, aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.

3、A phoneme is a phonological unit which is of distinctive value. It is an abstract unit. It is not any particular sound, but rather it is represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context.

4、Minimal pairs 最小对立体When two different forms (word forms) are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two forms are said to form a minimal pair.

5、Free variants 自由变体If two sounds occurring in the same environment (phonetic environment) do not contrast, that is, the substitution of one for the other does not produce a different word form, but merely a different pronunciation of the same word, then the two sounds are said to be free variants.


distribution 互补分布

When two sounds never

occur in the same

environment, they are said

to be in complementary



features. The phonemic

features, such as

stress ,tone, intonation ,that

occur above the level of

the segments are called

suprasegmental features.

8、Word is a unit of

expression which has

universal intuitive by

native speakers, whether it

is expressed in spoken or

written form.There is

another definition about

the word —the smallest

of the linguistic units

which can occur on its own

in speech or writing.

9、grammatical and

lexical word. In terms of

meaning expressed by

words, they can be

classified into grammatical

words and lexical words.

Those which express

grammatical meanings,

such as, conjunctions,

prepositions, articles and

pronouns, are

grammatical words.

Those which have lexical

meaning, that is, those

which refer to substance,

action and quality, such as

nouns, verbs, adjectives

and adverbs are lexical


10、Morpheme is the

immediate concern of

morphology. It is the

smallest unit of language in

terms of relationship

between expression and

content, a unit that cannot

be divided into smaller units

without destroying or

drastically altering the

meaning, whether it is

lexical or grammatical.

11、A free morpheme is one

that may constitute a word

by itself. A bound

morpheme is one that can

not be used by itself, but

must be combined with

other morphemes to form


12、Inflection is the

manifestation of

grammatical relationships

through the addition of

inflectional affixes, such as

number, person, finiteness,

aspect, and case which do

not change the grammatical

class of the stems to which

they are attached.

13、Compounds cover a

wide range of different

relations between lexical

words. In a compound, the

two lexical morphemes can

be of different word classes,

for example, noun


Compounding is a process

in which two different

words are joined together to

denote one thing.
