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综合以上的需求和问题,本人采用了MySQL数据库进行数据存储,通过JAVA EE来实现企业门户网站的基本语言,在网页的设计和实现使用的是TomCat来实现方便初学者编写简单的企业门户网站。

关键词:企业门户网站 JSP MySql TomCat 实现功能

Enterprise portal website design and implementation Abstract:This paper introduces the design of JSP enterprise portal websi te based on MySql database, through memory, read the data, use TomCat as th e server to achieve. The basic function of Enterprise Portal: provides news, search notice management, management of enterprise information and product introduction and other functions. Including system maintenance, product ma nagement, user management, user registration, news management, message boar d management functions; implementation of each page plate data reading, sto rage, simple and generous Webpage design, meet the interaction between the enterprise and customers; easy to implement management requirements, to fac ilitate the administrator management news, announcements, product informati on, user information and so on. Portal and enterprise website is completely different in the frame of the system, portal to the design of the system i s very high, whether the database operation workload, or the number of user groups for it requires a concurrent processing capability, the system stab ility and efficiency function, it needs to be considered in many integrated content.

Integrated requirements and the problems mentioned above, I use MySQL d atabase for data storage, through the JAVA EE to achieve the basic language of enterprise portal, in the realization of design and the use of TomCat t o achieve Webpage is easy for beginners to write simple enterprise portal.

Keywords: Enterprise portal JSP MySql TomCat Achieve functional


前言 (1)

1 企业门户网站 (1)

1.1企业门户网站 (1)

1.1.1 企业门户的定义 (1)

1.1.2 企业门户的基本组成部分及结构 (1)

1.2企业门户网站的功能与意义 (2)

1.3企业门户网站的现状和前景 (2)

2 可行性分析 (3)

3 需求分析 (4)

3.1功能需求 (4)

3.2性能需求 (4)

3.3配置软环境 (5)

3.3.1 安装配置JDK开发包 (5)

3.3.2 安装Web服务器Tomcat 6.0 (5)

3.3.3 安装和配置数据库服务器MySQL 6.0 (7)

3.3.4 安装MyEclipse 8.5开发环境 (7)

4 总体分析 (8)

4.1模块设计 (8)

4.2数据库设计 (9)

4.2.1 补丁下载表 (9)

4.2.2 友情链接数据库 (9)

4.2.3 留言信息表 (9)

4.2.4 软件(产品)信息表 (10)

4.2.5 软件类别信息表 (11)

4.2.6 用户信息表 (11)

4.2.7 公告数据库 (12)

4.2.8 解决方案数据库 (12)

4.2.9 常见问题数据库 (12)

4.2.10 新闻热点数据库 (13)
