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1.Patricia stared at the other girls with resentment.

A.anger B.doubt C.love D.surprise

2.The document was compiled by the Department of Health.

A.written B.printed C.attached D.sent

3.He's spent years cultivating a knowledge of art.

A.sharing B.using C.denying D.developing

4.We've seen a marked shift in our approach to the social issues.

A.clear B.regular C.quick D.great

5、Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners.

A.polite B.similar C.usual D.bad

6、I want to provide my boys with a decent education.

A.good B.special C.private D.general

7.In the process,the light energy converts to heat energy.

A.changes B.reduces C.leaves D.drops

8.Many cities have restricted smoking in public places.

A.limited B.allowed C.stopped D.kept

9. What are my chances of promotion if I stay here?

A.retirement B.advertisement C.advancement D.replacement

10.If we leave now,we should miss the traffic.

A.direct B.stop C.mix D.avoid

11.There was a profound silence after his remark.

A.proud B.short C.sudden D.deep

12.I enjoyed the play it had a clever plot and funny dialogues.

A.long B.boring C.original D.humorous

13.The thief was finally captured two miles away from the village.

A.caught B.killed C.found D.jailed

14.Such a database would be extremely costly to set up.

A.transfer B.destroy C.establish D.update

15.The two banks have announced plans to merge next year.

A.combine B.sell C.close D.break


1.A [解析]Patricia生气得瞪着其她得女孩。resentment愤恨。如:He shows no resentment to anyone.她不怨恨任何人。anger愤怒。最符合题意。如:I cannot control mY anger.我无法控制自己得愤怒。doubt怀疑。如:There is no doubt that we will be

successful.毫无疑问我们会成功。love爱。如:Love conquers all.爱能战胜一切。surprise惊奇。如:What a pleasant surprise thing!多惊喜得事情呀!

2.A [解析]这个文件由卫生部拟写。compile编辑、编写。如:compile an encvclopedia编辑一本百科全书。write写。最符合题目。如:He has written many books.她写过很多书。print印刷。如:print the final copy of your essay打印作文得终稿。attach 系,贴。如:attach a label to the product给商品贴上商标。send 送。如:He sent her some flowers.她给她送了些花。

3.D [解析]她花费多年培养对艺术得学识。cultivate培养。如:I wiu cultivate the habit of laughter.我要培养笑得习惯。share分享。如:We used to share everything.我们以前分享一切。use使用。如:use your mind动动脑子。deny否定。如:Can you deny the truth of his statement?您能否认她得声明得真实性吗?develop发展。最符合题意。如:develop a love for music培养对音乐得喜爱。

4.A [解析]在解决这些社会问题上我们瞧到了明显得转变。marked明显得。如:marked increases明显得增长。clear清晰得。最符合题意。如:a clear explanation清晰得解释。regular规律得。如:regular heartbeats规律得心跳。quick迅速得。如:a quick answer迅速得回答。great伟大得。如:a great career伟大得事业。
