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1、问“姓名、年龄、事物、职业”用What …?

如:What’s your name?/ What’s your age? / What’s this? / What is she?

2、问“时间”用What time …?/ When...? 问“星期”用What day …?问“日期”用What

date …?

如:What’s the time now? /When do you go back home? / -What day is it today? /What’s the date today?

3、询问“某人(某物)怎样?”用What about …?

如:I want to go swimming. What about you? / What about the black bike? How do you

like …?用于询问对方对某事/物的印象或感觉怎么样,即是否喜欢。

4、询问“颜色”用What color …?

如:-What color is this sweater? -It’s red.

5、询问“某人”用Who …?问物的主人用Whose …?

如:-Who’s that? -It’s Kate.

-Whose book is on the desk? -Mine

7、询问“地点”用where …?

如:-Where is the book? -It’s in the desk.

8、询问“身体状况、方式或程度”用How …?

如:-How are you? / -I’m fine, thank you.注意:How is / are …?是用来询问某人身体状况的常用语。此句型多用于熟人见面互相致意问候,答语多样。如:I’m OK./Vey well, thank you.

9、问“价格、价钱”用How much is / are …?

如:How much are these apples?注意:询问商品的价格时,how much后的动词是用is还是用are,由句子的主语来确定。

※将陈述句变成特殊疑问句时,常用的方法是“一选,二移,三变,四代”。“一选”就是选择疑问词,被选择的疑问代词有:what, which, who, whose;疑问副词有:where, when, why, how;疑问副词词组有:how long, how often, how soon, how far, how many, how much, how old 等。“二移”就是把be动词,助动词或情态动词移到句首。“三变”就是将原句中第一个单词的首字母改为小写(专有名词除外),将some, something等改为any, anything等,将句号改为问号。“四代”就是将选好的特殊疑问词替代划线部分。注意:疑问句里的疑问词始终都是放在句首的。


He is a worker.What is he?

He has a book. What does he have?

My skirt is red. What color is your skirt?

We play games at five in the afternoon

What time do you play games?

We play games in the afternoon

When do you play games?

We play games at home on Sunday

Where do you play games on Sunday?

He is fine/strong. How is he ?

I go home by bike. How do you go home?

He is ten.How old is he ?

This pen is ten yuan. How much is this pen?


1. The library is behind the teaching building. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ the library?

2. There are fifty students in our class. (对划线部分提问)

________ are there in your class?

3. I am thirteen years old. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ are you?

4. His pen is on the desk. (对划线部分提问)

________ is his pen?

5. She likes eggs for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ she ________ for breakfast?

6.We get to school at six every day. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ you get to school every day? 7. Their dictionaries are on the table. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ their dictionaries?

8. His hat is black.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ is his hat?
