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Saying Phone Numbers, by Dennis Oliver

Saying Phone Numbers

In the U.S.,phone numbers have seven digits, plus an area code--for example, 818-437-2963 (the area code is818and the phone number is 437-2963).

We say the area code as single digits: area code eight - one - eight.

We usually say the phone number in single digits, too:four - three -seven, two - nine - six - three. When0is in a phone number, it's pronounced oh: 237-0980is usually said as two - three - seven, oh - nine - eight - oh.

In the U.S.,1is also added if the number is long distance(in a different city, state, or country).

If I'm in Arizona, for example, and I want to call 503-477-2572 in Oregon, I dial1first. If I'm telling

someone that number, I'll say one,five - oh - three, four - seven - seven, two - five - seven - two. More Examples:




two - nine - six, two - three - five - oh.




area code five - two - oh, four - four - seven, nine - eight - two - one.




one, eight hundred, five - five - five,

one - two - one - two.

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Special Notes:

1.When writing phone numbers, separate

each group of digits with a hyphen(-):


2.Occasionally, people say the last four

digits of phone numbers like two normal

two-digit numbers:447-9821 = four - four -

seven,ninety-eight twenty-one.

This pattern is not very common, however.

3.The area code is sometimes written inside

parentheses ( )and without a hyphen:

(520) 447-9821.

4.Extensions are part of many office phone

numbers. To show an extension number,

the abbreviations Ex,Ext, or X are often

used:520-447-9821, Ex 213 (or Ext 213 or

X 213).

If extension numbers have three digits,

they're usually said as single-digit numbers:

X 517 = extension five - one - seven.

If extension numbers have two digits, they're said with single digits or like normal two-digit numbers: extension 15 = extension one - five OR extension fifteen.
