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作者:Alpha 文章来源:英语辅导报

听力部分 (共四大题,计40分)

I. 听辨单词(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

A) 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C

B) 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. B

II. 句子理解(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

A) 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. C

B) 16. N 17. Y 18. N 19. N 20. Y

III. 对话理解(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

A) 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. E 25.C

B) 26. B 27. C 28. E 29. D 30. A

IV. 短文理解(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

A) 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. D 35.C

B) 36. Brian 37. June 1st 38. 13 39. England 40. football club


I. 单词和短语(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

1. went

2. warmer

3. does his homework

4. ride a horse

5. having breakfast

II. 句子(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

A) 6. Does John collect stamps?

7. What beautiful flowers they are!

8. There is a toy bear on the floor.

9. How do you like this new movie?

10. What are your parents going to do this Sunday?

B) 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. C 15. D

III. 情景会话(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

A) 16. B 17. D 18. C 19. C 20. B

B) 21. D 22. E 23. B 24. F 25. C

IV. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

A) 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. B

B) 31. Y 32. Y 33. N 34. N 35. Y

C) 36. A message for the future. / A metal box.

37. No, it isn’t.

38. Yes, she does.

39. Eight.

40. The English homework book and the art work.

V. 智力测试(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

41. 6413 42. very happy (很高兴) 43. (a) 5 (b) 3 44. 13 hours. 45. 5 (Five).

VI. 小作文(计15分)

This is Lucy, my classmate. She is a lovely girl. She is 12 years old this year. We are in Class 1, Grade 6 at No. 3 Primary School. Her favourite subject is English, and she speaks English very well. She likes watching TV very much. Every night she watches cartoon programmes from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Green is her favourite colour. She has many green things: a green pencil case, a green bike and some green dresses. (79 words)


I. 听辨单词

A) 听音, 选出你所听到的单词。每个单词只读一遍。

1. foot

2. light

3. football

4. plane

5. stamp

B) 听音,看图,选出与你听到的单词属于同一类的一项。每个单词读两遍。

6. skating

7. doll

8. noodles

9. notebook 10. horse

II. 句子理解

A) 听句子,根据问句选出恰当的答句。每个句子只读一遍。

11. Wha t’s ten and two?

12. Where’s your father?

13. How many red stickers do you have?

14. Her pencil-box is very beautiful, isn’t it?

15. Is that a small car over there?

B) 听句子,判断你所听到的句子与所给图片是(Y)否(N)相符。每个句子只读一遍。

16. My mother is a typist. She can type letters quickly.

17. In summer it often rains.

18. Some boys are playing football on the playground.

19. My family like going out for dinner at weekends.

20. There are three bananas and a clock on the table.

III. 对话理解

A) 听对话,为每组人物选择合适的情景图片。每组对话只读一遍。

21. W: Is that white shirt yours, Mickey?

M: No. I think it’s Tom’s.
