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1. “Goodnight Moon”

1. 《晚安,月亮》

“Goodnight Moon”doesn’t really have much of a story. The book is just a description of certain things like kittens, a mouse and a quiet old lady. There are also mittens, a toy house and even a cow. The author introduces everything in the beginning and then says goodnight each of them at the end.


“Goodnight Moon”uses repetition of the same sentence structures with different vocabulary, which is great for English learners. For example, one line in the book reads, “Goodnight room. Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the moon.”This is really helpful for learning a lot of new words.

《晚安,月亮》重复使用相同的句式,但是词汇不同,这对英语学习者而言很棒。例如,书里有一行写道, “晚安,房间。晚安,月亮。晚安,跳过月亮的奶牛。”这对学习许多新词很有帮助。

Most of the story is made of short two- and three-word sentences, which is why I have listed it as the easiest book here.


2. “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”

2. 《饥饿的毛毛虫》

“The Very Hungry Caterpillar”is about a caterpillar who eats more and more food during a week. The book starts with a little caterpillar who comes out of its egg and starts searching for food. He does this every day.


In the beginning, the caterpillar eats healthily, such as fruit and vegetables. Later, the caterpillar begins to eat junk food more and more, until its stomach hurts. Because of this, the caterpillar decides to eat something good again and it feels better. In the end, the caterpillar wraps up into a cocoon and soon becomes a butterfly.


This children’s book is great for learning essential English words, such as numbers, foods and days of the week. Once again, repetition is very important for improving your English, and this book has lots of great repetition.


3. “If You Give a Moose a Muffin”

3. 《如果你给驼鹿一块松饼》

“If You Give a Moose a Muffin”is about a moose who always wa00nts something more in his life. First, he wants a muffin. Then he wants some jam to go with it. When he’s finished eating, he wants some more until they’re all gone. Then, he asks you to make more, and more…


This book is one of the shortest on the list, and its language uses a lot of future tense. This means most of the sentences have the verb “will”in them. For example, “If you give a moose a muffin he’ll want some jam to go with it.”This book is especially helpful for learning future tense and its contractions (he’ll, you’ll, etc.).
