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Unit 15: let’s play football!


那是我的哥哥。That’s (that is) my brother.

那是你的妈妈吗?Is that your mum? 不,不是的,那是我的阿姨。No. it isn’t. That’s my aunt. 那是你的爷爷吗?是的。Is that your grandfather? Yes, it is. 我能跳舞。I can dance.

还有那是我的奶奶和我的堂兄。And that’s my grandmother and my cousin.

这是我们的房。This is our house! 这是你们的厨房。This is your kitchen.

那是他们的客厅。That is their sitting room. 这是我们的洗手间吗?Is this our bathroom?

那是你们的餐厅吗?Is that your dining room? 那是他们的学校吗?Is that their school?

我的帽子在哪里?它下你的书下面。Where is my hat? It’s under your book.

罗伯特在哪里?他在厨房。Where is Robert? He is in the kitchen. 那些是羊吗?Are those sheep? 我的卧室有一张大床。There is a big bed in my bedroom. 他们是玻璃杯子They are glasses.

我们的房间里没电脑。There isn’t a computer in our room. 这些是什么?What are these?

他们的厨房里有架子吗? Is there a shelf in their kitchen? 那是海伦的木偶。That’s Helen’s puppet. 这个房间里有台灯吗?Is there a lamp in this room? 妈妈,你在哪里?Where are you, mum?

几点了? What time is it?八点了。It’s eight o’clock. 它们是你妈妈的。They are your mother’s. 早餐/ 上学/ 睡觉/ 时间到了。It’s time for breakfast./ school / bed./ 那些是鸟。Those are birds. 晚餐吃什么?What’s for supper?= What’s on your plate? what’s=what is 你们脏了。You’re dirty. 这不是泰德的滑板。This isn’t Ted’s skateboard. 他们是盒子They’re boxes.

这是什么?What is this? 这是南希跳绳. This is Nancy’s skipping rope.

它是谁的足球?Whose football is it? 它是肯尼的。It’s Kenny’s. 这些是鸭子。These are ducks. 我最喜欢的玩具是太空船。My favourite toy is a spaceship. 那些是什么?What are those?

让我们乘坐太空船在天空里飞翔吧。Let’s fly in th e sky in a spaceship. 他们快乐。They’re happy.这些不是马,These are not horses. These aren’t horses. 我听不下去了!I can’t listen!

这些是绵羊吗?是的,它们是绵羊。Are these sheep? Yes, they are. 我们饿了。We’re hungry. 不,它们不是。它们是羔羊No,they aren’t. they are lambs.

蓝色盘子里的那些是什么?What are those in the blue dish? 我不会弹钢琴。I can’t play the piano. 它们是草莓,樱桃和桃子。They’re strawberries, cherries and peaches. 我不会画画。I can’t draw. 它们是爸爸的鞋子。They’re Dad’s shoes!它们是谁的大衣?Whose coats are they?

它们是我们的大衣。They are our coats.这条蓝色的围巾是谁的?Whose are the blue scarves?

它们是他们的围巾。T hey’re their scarves. 它们是谁的?Whose are they?

他们是快乐的狗狗!They’re happy dogs! 你能触碰到你的脚趾吗? Can you touch your toes?

我们不脏。We are n’t dirty. 你们不干净。You aren’t clean. 我会踢足球。I can play football.

你们热吗?是的,我们热。Are you hot? Yes, we are.

你们冷吗?,我们不冷。Are you cold? No, we aren’t.

乡下有农场。There are farms in the countryside. 是的,我能够。不,我不能。Yes, I can. No, I can’t. 河里面没有兔子。There aren’t rabbits in the river.

田野里有奶牛吗?Are there cows in the field.?

有的。Yes, there are. 没有。No, there aren’t.有多少根骨头? How many bones are there?

有十九根骨头。There are nineteen bones. =There’re

十八加二等于二十。Eighteen and two is twenty.
