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I wish I ____

f ly to the moon one day can B. could C. am D. was

10. …Can you tell me what to wear at the party?

・・・If I ________ youj the blue jeans.

A. was,will wear

B. am,will wear you. I would buy a big house for my parents.


1. If I you. I would wear jeans to the party. A. am B.was C.were D.are If I __ Alic 巳 I A. was, would tell B. were,would tell C. am, will tell D. is , will tell

3. —going to Larry's party. But I don't know what to wear. —If I _________ you, I _________ wear a dress.

am; will B. were; will 2. A. C ・ 4. A. 5. A. 6. A. 7- them the truth.

were; would D. am; would If I_youJ_buy a bike for him. was,would B. was,could C. were,would D. were,could

If I ______ you, I _______ the job. was; will take

B. was; would take

C. were; would take

D. were; will take If I ______ you, I would take a small present.. am B. was C. were D. are •“What if I have to go there and know nothing about it?

••- If I _____ you, I would try to find some information about it on the Internet. B. was

C. will be

D. were A. am A. be B. am C. was D. were

one million dollars, I would give it to medical research. —If I _________ y ou, I would give it to charity. A. will have, am B ・ would have, was C. had, were D. have, is

13 ・ If I _ you, I would rather _ at home and watch TV than _ to the party.

A. was ; stay, go

B. am ; stay, go

C. were ; to stay, go

D. were ; stay, go 14. —I should have been more careful in the exam.

12.…If I

—It is a great pity that you _________

A. didn't B ・ haven't C. were not D. are not

8. A. 9. A. If his brother

___ a millionaire (百万富翁),he'd buy her sister the expensive car. B. were C. is D. be


C. were,would wear

D. were,wore

11. If I

A. knows

B. knew

C. has known

D. would know

23. Luckily, he wasn't driving fast at the time of accident; otherwise, I am sure, it more serious accident.

25-(题文)I would wear a shirt and tie to the party if I

A. were B ・ wilt be C ・ am



1, C



试题分析:句意:如果我是你,我就穿牛仔裤去宴会。与现在事实相反的虚拟语气中,系动 词一律用

16. Had he studied harden he the exams. A. must have got through B ・ could get through C ・ would get through

D. would have got through 17. I _ you about it because I don't believe you.

A. wouldn't rather tell

B. would rather not to tell

C. would rather not tell

D. wouldn't rather telling 18・ If

I were invited to the party- I _________________ a red skirt, A. will wear B. wear C. would wear

not so busy J _____ w ith you • A. was, would go B. were» would go C. was ,

should go D. were , will go 19. If I 20. I don't understand how you got a ticket. I always you_a careful driven

A. think; are

B. am thinking; are

C. thought; were 21 ・ I suggest you

D. think; were

four or five words a day on pieces of paper. A. write B. to write D. written

22. Yesterday, the storm delayed us. A. But for B. If it were not for C. But that C. writing the storm, we would have been here in time. D. Unless

A. would be

B. were

C. would have been

D. had been

24. She doesn't stick to her exercises and a balanced diet. If she ,she would remain slim and healthy.

A. had done

B ・ would do

C ・ did D. should

you. It's more polite. wereo 故选 Co
