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( )1.A. Who is going to take the little dog out?

B. Who will look after the little dog?

C. Whose dog is this?

( )2. A. Your brother bought you a pair of white shoes.

B. His brother liked a pair of white shoes.

C. I would like a pair of white shoes.

( )3. A. Mr Green never goes to work by bus.

B. Mr Green usually goes to work by bike.

C. This morning Mr Green didn't go to work by bus.

( )4. A. I'm looking for a film ticket. I bought it yesterday.

B. I bought a film ticket yesterday, but I gave it to my brother.

C. I bought a film ticket yesterday, but I left it in the cinema. ( )5. A. My little brother is eager to see the film.

B. They aren't eager to see the film.

C. My little sister wanted to see the film very much.

二. 听对话及提问,选择正确答案

( )6. A. At 5:00 B. At 5:15 C. At 5:30

( )7. A. He is still working here.

B. He is working in New York.

C. He is studying in New York.

( )8. A. He coughed little.

B. He didn't sleep well last night.

C. He's got a bad cold.

( )9. A. She decided to see a doctor.

B. She decided to get some medicine.

C. She will go to see a friend.

( )10. A. He listened to some English news.

B. He listened to some interesting stories.

C. He stayed up late reading a book.

三. 根据所听内容,选择正确答案


( )11. The dialogue happens ________.

A. in a bookshop

B. in a library

C. in a classroom

( )12. The man can borrow ______ at a time.

A. only some books.

B. two books.

C. Mend a bike.

( )13. What are Tom and Mary going to do?

A. Buy some books.

B. Go to the cinema.

C. Mend a bike.

( )14. How far is the Xin Hua Bookshop?

A. About 100 metres. B About 1000 metres. C. About 10000 metres. ( )15. How will Tom go to the shop?

A. On his bike.

B. On foot.

C. On Mary's bike.

Ⅱ. 笔试部分


1. Of all the lessons, Lesson One is _______.(重要)

2. Christmas is as _______ (excite) as our Spring Festival.

3. I didn't have time to chat with you that day because I went to Shanghai for a special _____(celebrate).

4. He was one of the greatest ______ (invention) in the world.

5. Tom looked at these pictures _______.(仔细地)

二. 用所给动词的正确形式填空

1. --- I can't find my glasses. Have you seen them?

---Yes, you ________ (leave) them in the car yesterday.

2. What _______ your brother ________ ( do ) at weekends.

3. How long ______ you ______ ( teach ) in this school? For three years.

4. When I saw him last night, he _____ (write) an e-mail.

5. Would you please ______ (drink) something cold?

三. 单项选择。

( ) 1. My sister is ______ I. That's why she often does well in the exams but I often fail.

A. more careful than

B. as careful as

C. not so careful as

D. less careful than

( ) 2. All the students are carefully doing their homework _____ Jack. He can't hand in his homework on time, I'm sure.

A. but

B. expect

C. except

D. besides

( ) 3. My sister fell ill yesterday, but the medicine made her _____.

A. to feel better

B. feel bad

C. feeling well

D. feel better

( ) 4. The food in the shop smells very _______. And all the people in the city like it very much.

A. well

B. nice

C. wonderfully

D. terrible.

( ) 5. --Do you know him well?

--- Of course. We ______ friends since ten years ago.

A. have been

B. were

C. have become

D. have made

( ) 6. ---These farmers have been to the United States.

--- Really? When _______ there?

A. will they go

B. did they go

C. do they go

D. have they gone

( ) 7. Not all the water is ______ drink.

A. enough clean to

B. clean enough for

C. clean enough to

D. enough clean for

( ) 8. She has got a prize her invention.

A. of

B. on

C. because

D. for

( ) 9. Today computers _____ in shops, schools, factories and banks.

A. come into widely use

B. use widely

C. are wide use

D. come into wide use.

( ) 10. She's never been late for work before, ______?

A. is she

B. isn't she

C. has she

D. hasn't she

( ) 11. We haven't had any rain for a long time. All the plants ___ water.
