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题 号 Part I

Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI 总 分 复核人 得 分


Part Ι G rammar & Vocabulary (20%)

Directions: there are 20 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D.

Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence. Mark your answer on

your answer sheet.

1. Sarah is the only one of all the students of this high school who ________ by Peking


A. are admitted

B. was admitted

C. were admitted

D. is admitted

2. Once _______, the information superhighway will change the lifestyle of all the

residents on this island.

A. it being completed

B. it completed

C. completed

D. it completes

得分 评卷人

《 高级英语1》

3. Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and_________ is the greatest


A. to be loved

B. being loved

C. loved

D. having been loved

4. It is only when you overcome all difficulties and reach your goal _______fully aware

that the way to success is not paved with flowers.

A. do you become

B. then you become

C. that you become

D. have you become

5. _________to show no emotion, the police officer stared straight ahead during the


A. Training

B. To be trained

C. being trained

D. trained

6. Individual lines of the poem were very beautiful, but I didn’t see how the lines fit

together. To me, the poem wasn’t ____________.

A. inherent

B. coherent

C. logical

D. corporate

7. They are taking about vigorously about the people and countries _______they had


A. which

B. that

C. what

D. where

8. Make sure you __________him immediately after you arrive and so in this case he

would not worry about you so much.

A. would visit

B. visited

C. have visited

D. visit

9. No sooner _________ home than my grandfather asked me to read the newspaper

for him.

A. had I arrived

B. I had arrived

C. did I arrive

D. I arrived

10. _______ towards globalization, competent information handling has become vital for

survival in a competitive world.

A. The world is moving

B. The world has been moving

C. With the world moving

D. While the world moving

