2020九年级英语全册 阶段综合测试 (新版)人教新目标版

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[测试范围:Units 11—14 时间:60分钟满分:100分]

Ⅰ. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)

( )1.The country is rich in oil, and its ________ mainly comes from it.

A.wealth B.health

C.culture D.pride

( )2.Smoking too much is ________ to your health, so you'd better give it up.

A.good B.harmful

C.kind D.pleased

( )3.When I got to the hall, the wonderful speech ________, so I missed its beginning.

A.started B.was starting

C.would start D.had started

( )4.The TV play is so great and interesting that it ________three times in the past three months.

A.played B.plays

C.has been played D.will be played

( )5.________ more hard­working you are, ________ you'll get.

A.The; more B.A; the most

C.The; the more D.A; more

( )6.—Excuse me, can you tell me ________?

—Sure. There's a good restaurant on Main Street.

A.where I can post letters

B.what movie I can see here

C.how I get to the bus station

D.if there's a good place to eat

( )7.—________ difficult question it is! Can you help me with it?

—OK. Let me see.

A.What B.What a

C.How D.How a

( )8.We all like the teachers ________ classes are interesting and creative.

A.which B.whose

C.who D.that

( )9.This blue skirt ________ belong to Lucy's sister. She just likes yellow.

A.must B.could

C.can't D.shouldn't

( )10.—Where are you going to stay when you get to Beijing?

—I'll live ________ in a hotel ________ in a friend's house. I can live in my uncle's.

A.both; and

B.either; or

C.neither; nor

D.not only; but also

( )11.We all look forward to ________ Beckham, because he is such a great player.

A.meet B.met

C.meets D.meeting

( )12.—I need your father's help. Where is he?

—He ________ his car in the garden.

A.washes B.washed

C.is washing D.has washed

( )13.________ April Fool's Day, people often play all kinds of tricks and jokes ________ each other.

A.At; on B.In; at

C.On; at D.On; on

( )14.Mr. Smith ________ know the world by radio, but now he ________ surfing the Internet to know all.

A.used to; is used to

B.used to; used to

C.is used to; used to

D.is used to;is used to

( )15.Don't throw away these old desks. They should be put to good ________.

A.show B.set

C.stop D.use


One sunny day, Alice sat by a river with her sister. Then she __16__ a sound. She looked up and saw a white rabbit __17__ a coat passing by.

“Oh dear! I'll be late!” said the rabbit. It took a __18__ out of its pocket and looked at the time.

How __19__! Alice stood up and ran across the field after the rabbit. The rabbit jumped __20__ a big hole. Alice did not want to let the rabbit go away, so she jumped down the hole, too.

Down, down, down. Alice fell for a long time, and then she hit the ground. She found __21__ in a long, low hall. There were doors all around, but they were all __22__. Alice saw a small key on a table, __23__ it did not fit any of the doors.

Then Alice noticed a small door and put the key __24__ it. The door opened! She could see a lovely garden on the other side. Alice tried to go through the door, but she was too __25__.

( )16.A.listened to B.heard

C.saw D.heard of

( )17.A.in B.on

C.at D.under

( )18.A.book B.cap

C.watch D.dictionary

( )19.A.excited B.happy

C.amazed D.amazing

( )20.A.down B.out of
