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Name/Hotel ID 姓名/工号: Starting Date 入店日期: Department/Section 部门: Position 职位: Personnel Checklist –

The following subjects have been explained at the orientation session: Orientation-Date:

员工个人检查表 - 在新员工入职培训中,是否已经接受了以下课程的培训: 新员工入职培训 - 参加日期:

Welcome by management team 管理层欢迎新员工 Hotel Basic English 酒店基础英语

Group and Hotel Info 集团及酒店简介 Telephone Courtesy 电话礼仪 Test scores:考核成绩:

Employee handbook &Hotel Policy 员工手册及酒店规定 Hotel Tour 参观酒店 First Exam Reexamination Polite manners & Physical Training 礼貌礼节、形体训练 初试 复试 Fire Safety & Emergency Training 消防及紧急状况处理培训

The employee has received the following 员工已经收到以下物品: Shiftleader 主管 Dept Manager 部门经理

部门新员工入职培训 你的部门培训师是 他将安排帮助你完成以下内容 1.Welcome 欢迎仪式

a. Welcome new team member to the department 欢迎新员工加入部门

b. Explain the importance of the team member’s job 同员工讲述本职工作的重要性 2.Provide a tour of the entire work area 带领员工熟悉各个工作区域 3.Introduction to Co-workers and Supervisors 介绍同事和部门主管

a. Introduce the person who will be doing the training on the job if you will not be doing it yourself

介绍要给新员工所做培训的培训员 b. Introduce some of the Co-workers during the Tour

在介绍工作区域时介绍部门的同事 c. Introduce the new team member to relevant department Manager 介绍新员工给相关部门经理

d. Make sure the new team member understands who they report to during the training period 确认新员工知道在培训期间将向谁汇报工作

e. Identity who they can go to for help when they cannot find a supervisor

说明当直接主管不在时,谁可以提供帮助 3.Explain department organization and how it relates to other departments



4.Explain Working Condition, Show the team member 介绍工作环境,并让新员工知道 a Where they do their work 在哪里工作 b. Starting time 每日开始工作时间 c. Finishing time 每日结束工作时间 d. Overtime policy and requirement


e. Break periods and location 工作休息时间


f. Meal periods(staff area)用餐时间(员工


g. Team member entrance 员工通道 h. Team member use of elevators 员工使用


i. Use of guest facilities 客用设施的使用 j. Who and how to call if a problem develops and team member is going to be

absent or late 员工如有请假或迟到应该 怎样通知或打电话给哪一位负责人 k.

Toilet/lockers/uniforms 洗手间/更衣室/ 制服

l. Personal use of telephone 员工私人使用 电话规则

5.Explain problem solving procedures 解释处理问题的程序

6.Explain departmental training program 介绍部门培训课程

7.Discuss job content/job description 介绍/讨论 现在的工作职责 a.

Explain the basic duties and Responsibilities

of the job .Again show the importance of the job 讲述基本的工作任务和职责.再次重申本 职工作的重要性 b.

Discuss the job performance standards Explain What they are doing during and after the training period 介绍工作表现的标准介绍新 员工在培训期间和培训后的工作 8.Departmental policies and procedures 部门政策和程序规定 a.

Explain all departmental policies 解释所有的部门规定 b.

Explain general housekeeping duties and responsibilities


9.Responsibilities for continuance of employment 上岗要求 a. Performance of duties 每日工作表现 b. Attendance and punctuality 每日出勤 c. Behavior 行为要求符合标准 d.

Grooming and presentation standards 遵守仪容仪表规范

e. Wearing of uniform, name badge and pin 上班穿着制服、佩戴名牌和徽章

I have explained all of the above information to the team member I acknowledge that all of the above information have been explained to me

我已向员工讲解以上全部内容 我确认已经了解了以上全部内容

Departmental Trainer 部门培训员 Team Member 员工

Please ensure that contained above is conveyed to the new team member and that this form is returned to the Office for file at becoming a regular worker.

