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I. Please write the correct words according to the meanings

given below. (10%)

1. n. great effort

2. n. (pl.) feelings of doubt and fear

3. v. to deliberately get involved in a situation that does not concern you,

which may be annoying to others

4. n. sb. who frightens, hurts, or threatens weaker people

5. v. to criticize, to censure

6. a. dark, esp. in a way that seems sad

7. a. (of land, plants) producing much

8. n. a sudden strong feeling of excitement or pleasure

9. n. sceptic; a person who sees little or no good in others

10.v. (of flowers) to open or to be open

11.n. a way of thinking about or looking at sth.

12.v. to tell sb. that sth. is sure to happen so that he does not have to


13.n. a lack; not having enough, esp. food

14.a. very unhappy

15. v. to invite people to one’s home, usually for a meal

16. v. to arouse interest or curiosity

17.v. unroll; to open out; to straighten out

18.adv. happening or done at exactly the same time

19.v. to dry up; to be reduced in size and color

20.v. to remove; to get rid of

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the expressions listed below. (10%)

in some ways call for run out at once

bring up give rise to tear down happen to

occur to ask for deal in read into

for one thing take over at heart in turn

resort to run into move in on used to

1.Both sides are willing to sit down and talk because they know

it is stupid ______ force.

2.The heavy rains they had last summer ______ serious


3.Some of the nation’s best lawyers are on the case. They are

offering their services free because they have no doubt ______the ethical nature of the case.

4.The two men began to ______ me when they saw I was alone.

Luckily a police officer happened to pass by just at that time.

5.Has it ever______ you that all these changes have happened in

the past three decades?

6.There______ be lots of fish, shrimps and crabs in our rivers

and lakes and ponds, but now no longer.

7.The government has promised that it will not hesitate to

punish those who ______ cheating, gambling, black marketeering, and prostitution.

8.In those days few people liked the job of coal mining, because

______, the work was hard, very hard. Besides it was very dangerous.

9.He ______ his father’s business when his father died.

10.The generation gap is a big problem and ______ serious

attention. I think we young people should try to understand older people’s worries and cares and respect their experience, while older people ______should respect young people’s wishes and desires.

11.I had not seen my sister for ages. So this visit was a

wonderful opportunity for me, because I could do two things______ .

12.Time is ______. Unless we come up with a solution in the

next few days, we will ______ serious trouble.

13.This man is a joke. He has been ______ to believe that he is

the most learned person on earth.

14.I think they are ______ trouble building those houses on the

dry bed of the lake. These houses will have to be______ sooner or later to return the land to the lake.

15.The message of this essay is simple and obvious. I don’t
