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The English version of this song is adapted by ECHO, ECHO was Jay’s Beatbox teacher.
这首歌的英文版由李昶俊改编, 李昶俊曾经是周杰伦பைடு நூலகம்Beatbox老 师。
I hear the raindrop falling on the green 我听见雨滴落在青青草地 I hear far away the school bells ring 我听见远方下课钟声响起 but I don’t hear your voice calling for me 可是我没有听见你的声音 Sincerely calling for me 认真 呼唤我姓名
please come a little closer we don’t need to be searching 原来我们和爱情曾经靠得那么近
I’ll fight the world cause it is meant to be 那为我对抗世界的决定 we are supposed to be 那陪我淋的雨 you are my everything 一幕幕都是你 listen to my heart beating 一尘不染的真心
The song <Little Luck> is sang by Hebe.It’s the theme song of the movie <Our Times>, and released on October 21 2015.
《小幸运》由田馥甄演唱。它是电影 《我的少女时代》的主题曲,于2015年10 月21日发行。
I’m so lucky to know you 与你相遇 好幸运
Although I’ve lost the right to Cry a river over you 可我已失去为你泪流满面的权利
I can only hope somewhere I can’t see 但愿在我看不到的天际
You’ve spread your wings, you’re free 你张开了双翼
You’ve found the one for you 遇见你的注定
How lucky she would be 她会有多幸运
When I was in love with you, I didn’t know 爱上你的时候还不懂感情 Only after goodbye did my tears flow 离别了才觉得刻骨 铭心 why didn’t I realize that knowing you 为什么没有发现遇见了你 Is the best thing I’ll ever know 是生命最好的事情
Maybe we took things for granted, And I forgot that you’ve always been here by my side 人理所当然的忘记 是谁风里雨里一直默 默守护在原地
You are the one I wanted the most oh darling 原来你是我最想留住的幸运