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哈尔滨医科大学“Show your life”英语风采大赛



女:Honorable guests,ladies and gentlemen, good evening! Welcome to “Show your life”English talent competition. Here is the final contest!



女:Let’s welcome all the guests and judges with a big round of applause!


女:On the passionate and youthful stage, we show our life heartily!


女:Tonight,let’ s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true!

男:下面我宣布“Show your life”英语风采大赛现在正式开始!女:Let’s look forward to all the teams ’wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances! Wish them good luck!


女:There are classical stories both from the eastern and western world, full of dreams and realities of both past and present



男:经典的爱情总是为人们带来一次次刻骨铭心的感动,亘古不变,首先有请来自临床七年制的Tinker Bell为大家带来《孔雀东南飞》女:Now let us welcome the first team—Tinker Bell, and enjoy< The Peacock Flies to Southeast>

男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to Tinker Bell

男:下面有请来自公共卫生学院的同学们为我们演绎《麦琪的礼物》女:Now please enjoy

男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to their performance.

男:巧妙的回答,深厚的友谊,接下来来自影像口腔专业的Light in the road将用他们精彩的表演为我们重现《威尼斯商人》那场经典


女:Now please enjoy

男:感谢Light in the road的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问

女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to Light in the road

男:接下来来自11基础的Girls aloud将会为我们展现一个普通女孩成为公主的历程,有请《公主日记》

女:Now please enjoy

男:感谢Girls aloud 的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to Girls aloud

男:接下来有请来自第三临床医学院的lottery girls为我们演绎经典的《傲慢与偏见》

女:Now please enjoy

男:谢谢lottery girls的表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问

女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分
